Yun Tianyi fixed his mind and maintained his own look without change. "Do you say your surname? But if I remember correctly, the Siamese mainland should have no family with a surname."

He smiled slightly: "I am not from a family."

It is not a family, but there is such a talent, it is even more unimaginable.

And the red-dressed boy around him, Yun Tianyi is inexplicably inexplicable and has a feeling of being familiar.

This girl seems to have hidden a lot of secrets.

Yun Tianyi squinted slightly, and the Hai pig couldn’t help but slobber, and asked, “I smell the wine and I can drink it.”

Looking at the appearance of his clothes and ghosts, I couldn't help but think of the food that I had just drunk.

The face could not help but smile a little, and handed the wine to the two people. "If I didn't help the two, I couldn't easily get out of trouble with the unknown. If you like this wine, please drink it."

"But this is a bit of a drink..."

She hadn’t finished talking yet, and the pig had already rushed over and took a sip from the jar.


"Hai pig -!"

The voices of the two men just fell, and the round-faced teenager had already slammed down on the ground, and the red face began to snoring, and the mouth was still flowing with suspicious liquid.

This shameful pig!

Yun Tianyi's forehead's blue veins jumped and jumped, and in front of the round-faced teenager who was screaming and sleeping, his hand was lightly touched, and he would not know where he was when he was asleep.

"The behavior is invisible and makes you laugh."

He also laughed and laughed. As the man sat down, she began to look carefully at the people in front of her.

The man's facial features are very deep and handsome. If it is placed in modern times, it is the kind of beauty that combines the charm of Westerners and Orientals.

Looking at the age of appearance, it is only about twenty-seven years old, and it may not be much bigger than many students in Tianzhigu.

But in the blink of an eye, I always feel that this man seems to have a kind of majesty and warmth that belongs to the elders, so that she does not consciously want to be close.

She pushed the jar forward. "If you don't mind, you can try it. Although this wine has great strength, it still has a lot of benefits for the monk. It's just that you are drunk, you better drink slowly... ..."

If you haven't finished talking about it, you will see Yun Tianyi pick up the jar. If you don't know it, you will pour it into your mouth.

The jar was put down, and Yun Tianyi looked at her without changing her color. Her look was cold and calm.


She seems to have underestimated the man’s cultivation in front of her.

The spirits entered the abdomen, Yun Tianyi gently whispered, "Good wine!"

How many years have he been, he has not really felt the taste of wine.

The man's movements were graceful and clean, and in the stunned gaze, in just a few moments, he drank the majority of the remaining half of the altar.

Rao is a bold and generous person who has some pain.

The batch of wines that she brewed in the ancient Yuntiantian has only a dozen or so altars, and the wines thus brewed require too many opportunities. It is not so easy to copy them later.

She also plans to meet Master in the future and leave him a few altars!

If Master drinks this wine, he will not be happy.

Yun Tianyi put down the jar, just saw her somewhat tangled and painful expression, and her face was a little bit smiley. "Little girl, you know how many people in this world want to give me wine and treasure, I even I don’t even look at it."

Hey: "Oh..."

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