After being separated from Yun Tianyi, he quickly threw the person behind his head and did not think that he would meet again.

Unknown and sipping a drink, he entered the retreat, but he sipped the wine but seemed to have no feeling.

On this day, Xuan Mu, who had not seen for a long time, suddenly appeared. He saw him smile and said: "I am looking for you, I have brewed some wine..."

The words have not been finished yet, but they were interrupted by Xuanmu. "Do you know the gods and the dawn of the Siamese mainland?"

I heard a bit of voice, and I looked at Xuan Mu a little strangely.

She discovered that Xuanmu’s look was never heavier, and there was a rare panic and worry in his eyes.

"Zhao Tianling? What is that?"

Xuan Mu frowned and for a moment, took a reel from his arms and handed it to you.

As soon as the reel starts, you feel your hand sinking.

The appearance looks like a satin, but it is found in the hand that the material of this reel is very special, non-paper is non-paper, like jade and crystal, even when you hold it in your hand, you can even feel an inexplicable pressure.

This is the Zhao Tianling that Xuan Mu said?

But what does this have to do with yourself?

As I thought about it, I slowly spread the scrolls. When I saw the almost vivid picture on the scroll, I took a breath and took a breath.

This is... her portrait? !

And it’s a women’s dress, without any portraits of camouflage?

Although I have done a little blurring of the haze, if someone sees this portrait and sees her true face, it will be recognized in the first place.

Look at Xuan Mu, "What exactly is Zhao Tianling? Why is my portrait on this?"

Xuanmu frowned and thought for a while, and then replied in a concise language: "Zhao Tianling, only the Siamese gods can be issued."

God respects the Ming Dynasty, the world listens to orders.

"Siamese ordinary warriors and monks are not familiar with the Zhaotian order, but in the thirty-sixth world of Siam, each party will receive the Zhaotian order."

"Zhao Tianling's people who are looking for must be reported to God. If there is a concealer, they will be treated as conspiracy."

His face was a bit ugly and his brow was tight. "I know that Siam has a god, it is the master of this continent, but almost no one has seen his true face on this road, and no one knows his true strength. ”

"But I don't know any gods at all. Why should he send me a show to find me?"

"More than that..." 奚玥 奚玥 眸 眸 眸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I have always shown the appearance of this disguise now. Why does God know what I really look like?"

Although she is now similar to the true seventy-eight points, it is only a brow, and the true elegance is completely hidden.

Only Xuan Mu and Wei Chengyuan, who are familiar with her, can recognize her at a glance.

As for other people, even if I have seen Zhao Tianling, at least I think she looks a little like it, but she will never associate it with her.

This is also the point, let 奚玥 a little relieved.

Xuan Mudao: "Will it be the people who saw you in Jurassic that year."

The pupil of the skull suddenly shrank and the breath was slightly rushed. "Do you mean that this so-called **** is related to the family or the family?"

Or, the disaster that was like a nightmare for her, the real black hand behind the scenes is not the Qingtian family and the family, but the so-called gods?

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