The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2168: Like rebirth (for ticket)

"Oh, it turned out to be a promotion!" Wu Jiming sighed and patted his chest. "Scared me, seeing your boy crying so sad, I thought you were wrong... Wait, wait! You said what?"

Wujiming said and said, suddenly he looked stiff and stared at Fang Yue. "You said that you... Jin Jindan?!"

Fang Yuechao focused on the head.

The church was caught in a strange silence, and then, Wu Jiming swallowed.

Wu Jinshui swallowed his mouth.

Many students swallow saliva, and others are licking their eyes.

However, after they went back to God and discovered that Fang Yuezheng really advanced, he is now not a vein, but a complete Jin Dan.

"Oh my God!! Is Fangzi really a golden age? But wasn’t the original prescription determined by the medical sanctuary to be impossible to continue to break through?”

"I remember that the medical sage confronted the situation of Fang Zi... 娄 Shen Ming said it, but he said that even if he could do nothing."

"But the Fangzi really broke through now!"

Some people were hoarse and dull, and suddenly they screamed: "What kind of treasure is what the tutor gave us?"

In the past, although they also hoped for the method of improving the constitution of the teachings, they were only the life-saving straws caught by the drowning people. They did not report much hope.

But now?

Even the medical sanctuary and the medical deity have judged that it is impossible to make another waste. Under the guidance of the cockroach, it broke through.

Is it really just an ordinary course taught by her tutor?

Or can it make the entire Siamese continent a landslide and tsunami?

How lucky are they to become awkward students?

Fang Yue looked up and sat on his head, his eyes closed and opened, and he said, "I found it in my medicated bath. I confirmed it over and over again. I am afraid that this is a Dream. When I woke up, I became the waste that was abandoned by the family. The mortal who died in the area of ​​two hundred years old."

"When I realized that when I really broke through, my mind was blank, I just wanted to come to the school of the three classes of the doctor. I have to tell the tutor, I broke through, I want to thank her for giving me This opportunity to be born again."

"I also want to tell you, we... finally no longer waste. I can break through, you can do it. One day, we will become monks, and one day we will point to those who have laughed at us. Tell them that we are not waste."

The voice of Fang Yuechao was hoarse, but powerful, as if it was a notice, and it seemed to be an oath.

Many of the teachings of the three classes of the water doctors were red-eyed and shed tears.

The low whine is flooding every corner of the room.

Whether it is a boy or a girl, they are crying.

This is the tears of joy and tears. They are not only happy for Fang Yue, but also happy for themselves.

Once they have lost, and now there are many high-spirited ambitions. Today, the breakthrough is Fang Yuechao, and it is likely that they will be promoted tomorrow.

"Are you mourning this? Is it so sad to cry one by one?"

I just walked into the schoolhouse and looked at it. I watched these unruly little nephews crying all over the nose and tears, and I was so angry that she could not accept it.

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