"But suddenly, just because of you, they not only lost hope, but even the only shelter of Heavenly Medicine Valley has to be lost. How sad and desperate they should be? The students who love you will appreciate you or hate you. What?"

He looked at him coldly. "What do you want to do? Do you think I will be at your mercy because of these threats?"

Yan Shenming resumed his gentle and refined look and said: "Of course I don't think you will give me a hug for these irrelevant students. Otherwise, it is not that I am turning around and asking for a baby." So my request is very simple..."

After a pause, Sui Shenming was only one step closer. His eyes were filled with a strong aggression and looked at the picturesque and beautiful face. He licked his lips and said: "I want you to apply immediately to enter the inner door of Tianzhi Valley. Alchemy College, and become my introductory disciple, as long as you enter the inner door, I will let the students of the three classes of the water doctor, and allow you to teach them a class every seven days. This request should not be too much?"

Disgusting vomiting, seeing Shen Ming’s gaze is like a look, "Be a disciple, then let you bully like Su Nianzhen? Even your own disciple will not let go, 娄 鸣 ,, you can be more disgusting A little?"

Yan Shenming instead laughed, closer to the cockroach, reaching out like pulling her into her arms, and muttering in a low-pitched voice. "You don't feel that you have a mentoring relationship. You call my master in bed. Taboo, is it even more exciting? Hey, as long as you follow me, I promise you want ~ 仙~欲~死, lifetime..."

Before the words were finished, Yan Shenming suddenly had a sharp distortion on his face, and a screaming scream came out of his mouth.

Then, he had a **** red wound on his body, and the blood was mixed with broken meat in the yard.

Turning his head, he did not accidentally see the masked red robe jug slowly coming out of the house, and the gestures of the hands were full of enchanting enchantments, and the double-masked peach eyes were in the sun, It is a reflection of the glare.

Unknown looking up at Suo Shenming suspended in midair, the clear and gentle voice shouted with a careless smile: "You just said, who wants to want ~ Xian ~ want ~ die? Why not say it again?"

Yan Shenming endured the pain of the whole body and looked at the young boy underneath.

Although I can't see the face, the young man's gestures and the sparkling peach eyes are all fascinating.

This is supposed to be his favorite kind of young boy. Although it is not as clear and clear as the sly, but the enchanting temperament, the mysterious atmosphere that is incomprehensible will make people want to conquer.

However, at this moment, the first time in the heart of Yan Ming, there was a terrible fear.

Especially when the boy smiles at him, it seems that he is not looking at an abominable person, but just a dead thing, a rotten wood that can be crushed into powder at any time and destroyed between heaven and earth.

This kind of cruel smile without any feelings makes Yu Shenming even forget the pain in his body, and recalls the memory of fear for a long time.

The only person he feared in his life, who had wore such a red robe, was just a look, a smiley words that made him cold and sweaty, fearing to lose all his ability to think.

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