The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2174: silly? (for ticket)

Fang Fang said with excitement: "You asked me to look for elixir. I didn't have any hope at all. I didn't expect this doctor to really cure you. Even the medical doctor can cure your illness, she actually did it. Great, that's great!"

Fang Fang’s eyes are also full of excitement and smile. He presses the emotions: “We will go to see my father as soon as possible. Your grandfather will be very happy to hear that you can continue to advance.”

However, when Fang Yuechao and Fangfufangmu met with Fang Fangshan, the grandfather of Fang Yuechao, telling him that Fang Yuechao had advanced to the Jindan period, Fangzhongshan did not show much excitement.

He looked at Fang Yuechao's look, but he also had a repressed excitement. "The more you go, the better you come back. Now that your cultivation has broken through the Golden Age, the resources of the follow-up family will be distributed to you. So you After returning this time, don't go back to Heavenly Medicine. Anyway, you weren't originally studying medicine. You can't learn anything in Tianzhi Valley..."

"Grandpa--!" Fang Yuechao was full of horror and stood up suddenly. "Grandpa, haven't you heard what I just said? I was able to advance to Jindan with the help of Tianjiu Guzheng tutor. I want Continue to advance, of course I have to stay in Tianzhi Valley, how can I come back now?"

Fang Zhongshan disdain: "You can break through Jindan but luckily, what is the relationship with the little girl? What's more, even if it breaks through, you are just a golden age. If you want to become a monk, it is harder than going to heaven. Why waste? Time? But your cousin is different. He is now in the middle of distraction. Now he has the value of Tianji Guyu’s medical deity. He is invited to go to the Lingwu College in Tianmenggu, and then we can revitalize it. Rely on him."

"As for you, even the doctors say that your cultivation is impossible. If you waste time in Tianzhi Valley, you might as well take over the family business. If you manage these things well, the family will not treat you badly, etc. When you are old, your cousin will naturally take care of you."

The cousin sitting next to Fangzhongshan showed an expression of arrogance and excitement, and looked at Fang Yue’s eyes full of contempt.

The more the Fang Yuechao listened, the more shocked he was. From the beginning, he could not believe the last anger and heartache.

Suddenly, what he thought of, chilled his face and asked, "Is it screaming that I can go to the Lingwu Academy at the expense of not returning to Heavenly Medicine Valley?"

Fang Fang and Fang Fang also returned to the taste at this time, angered: "Father, Yue is also your grandson, he is now very easy to have the hope of promotion, his congenital weakness is about to be cured by the instructor. How can you let him give up to Heavenly Medicine Valley? How can you make another grandson a waste for a grandson?"

Fang Zhongshan took a picture and angered: "Shut up, I am all for the family! What's more, what is said to cure the weak, but it is the word of the little girl, for her offense, medical deity, How come you are so stupid?"

Fang Yuechao slammed his fists and said: "I must go back to Heaven, I will not leave the three classes of the doctor!"

"Let's go! It's against you!" Fang Zhongshan yelled. "Come, let me take care of the young master, and let him go out of the house, and the offenders will wait!"

"It's the owner!"

"Father, how can you do this?! The more you are your grandson!"

Fang Yue looked at his grandfather's cold-turned back and his cousin's contemptuous eyes, his hands smashed into fists, and his palm was pierced by his nails.

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