“How come?” Wen Jiaquan shook his head and smiled. “As early as two years ago, Tianzhigu’s inner door has organized several elite teams, in order to win the championship in this year’s military experience. The most striking of them. The team, led by Yunfeifei, directed their mentor to be the doctor.

Hearing the name of Yun Feifei and Yan Shenming, he squinted slightly, and Shuguang was cold.

Wen Jiaquan sighed: "You are just a Yuan Ying period, but the actual level of medical skills is superior to most of the tutors. You have invited you to enter the inner door. I hope that you can replace Yun Feifei as the leader... This should be It is the best opportunity to make a name for yourself and enhance your strength. Hey, it can be wrong... How can you break with the doctor?"

"You just said why no one in Tianzhigu has no one to participate in?" Wen Jiaquan saw that he was completely unmoved and had to return to the original topic. "Because the opportunity is accompanied by huge risks, every ten years into the Yuankong ancient world. People are elites carefully selected by the major families. The team they take is also the lowest risk of the secret, but every time there is a casualty rate."

Wen Jiaquan explained it in detail again, and then he slowly learned the special nature of the Yuankong ancient environment.

The passage into the Yuankong ancient environment is a transmission array.

But this transmission array is very special, it can transmit up to 100 people at the same time, and at least ten people will be opened.

And those who transmit at the same time are called a team.

In the ancient realm of Yuankong, the honor and gains and losses between the team members are mutually influential. Even if the individual is outstanding, if the rest of the team fails early, they will not receive any precious rewards. Naturally, the score in the Warrior Experience Competition will be extremely low.

The more the number of teams, the higher the difficulty of the level in the secret. If you reach the team of 100 people, the danger level in the secret is directly comparable to the death level, even if it is the master of distraction, don't want to live.

Wen Jiaquan saw that she was thoughtful and thought that she and her doctors were angered. They wanted to take the three classes of the doctors to participate in the military experience competition. They quickly and anxiously dissuaded: "Hey, you must not bring the three classes of water medicine. People go to participate in the Warrior Experience Competition, otherwise don't say them, even you may not be able to return safely. The ancient space of Yuankong is far more dangerous than you think, even if they are Yunfeifei, they also bring a lot of spiritual medicine. I gathered the elite and dared to go in."

"Wen's doctor can rest assured, I won't go there." He couldn't help but laugh. She asked these questions just to transfer Wen Jiaquan's attention and listen to gossip.

She didn't have the interest to take risks in a dangerous situation.

What's more, even if she is interested, she can't let her students risk this life.

Wen Jiaquan was relieved, and he was indeed distracted by him. He was no longer advised to reconcile with Shen Shenming.


On this day, I entered the third class of the Chinese medicine doctor. I was surprised to find that most of the students were covered with sadness on their faces. Some people were pale and their eyes were full of anger and anger.

In fact, many students in the three classes of the Chinese medicine doctors were not right in these days, but they asked Meng Zisu and Mi Fu, but they were not clear. Those students who were anxious and annoyed were asked about the reasons. He, smashed the past.

He looked at the eyebrows slightly and looked around for a week. The time for Fang Yue’s leave was over, but he did not return.

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