Meng Zisu took a sigh of relief, wiped away tears, and smiled at his lips: "I want to participate, although I am not high, medical skills will not, but my soul charm can help you against the enemy, I... I will definitely do my part for everyone."

"Participating in the Warrior Experience Competition is likely to be seriously injured or even die. However, let me go home now to make a lifetime of waste, and what is the difference between death and death. I want to participate!"

"I want to participate!"

The voices of the three classes of students in the water clinic are getting louder and louder, more and more people are attached, and their attitudes are becoming more and more determined.

The elders of all the families who came to drop out of school were dumbfounded.

Why do they not understand why their own children in the family would rather risk their lives to participate in the competition, and are not willing to drop out?

Other students in Tianzhi Valley were also scared. The three classes of the doctors were watching a group of fools.

Others may not understand the crisis of the military experience competition. They are the organizers of this session. How many people do not know the thrill of the military experience competition?

Moreover, because the more casualties in the Yuankong secret, the more treasures there will be in the world.

Therefore, many people who know the insider are more aware that this time they will enter the Yuankong secret team, and the death and injury will only be more fierce than in the previous decade.

Fang Zhongshan’s face was blue and white, pointing to Fang Yue’s teeth and gnashing his teeth: “You just took your life as a play? You never thought about the family. Have you ever thought about how sad your parents should be after you have an accident? ”

Fang Yue looked calm and taunted: "Thank you, Grandpa is concerned, I can escape the family's imprisonment. It is the parents who are dying to let me out. Father told me... It is a man who can't give up his dreams, even if I can't take back my dangers. I am not playing my own life. It is only the first time. I feel that I should choose my own destiny. I don't want to be a waste of my life, and I don't want to be a **** that can be abandoned when the family is free."

Fang Yuechao’s words made the sorrowful anger and determination of the three classes of the doctors in the water.

No matter how their family members persuaded, they determined their determination.

Xiao Muyu’s face is ugly and scary, and he looks forward to it. “Hey, if you are still a mentor, you will persuade your students to drop out of school. Or you have to watch them for your impulsive, but in the end, Put your life in the secret?"

Wen Jiaquan also hurriedly said: "Hey, you should remember what I told you? You should never be stupid!"

He took a deep breath and slowly glowed in the middle of it.

She looked to Fang Yue, looking to Du Shuyun, looking to the three classes of the hydrologist, the voice calmly said: "You decided?"


"I won't regret it?"

"Never regret!"

"Good!" The lips swelled in a brilliant arc, and the smile was bright and clear. "This is like my awkward student."

"Then, let us see, who is the waste, who is the real elite!"

"Next, I will carry out devil-style training for you, and you will not have time to sleep and fall in love!" The voice of the cockroach slowly rises high, with a sigh of arrogance and enthusiasm. "When we return to the triumph, let us Today, pointing at the idiots of your waste, sing to conquer you. Do you have such awareness?"

"Ha ha ha, sing and sing, and only the mentors can say such domineering words."

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