The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2184: Cloud family war god

"Yeah! You said that it’s not good to laugh. Even if she participated in it herself, she would even lead a group of three doctors from the water clinic to participate. I also said that I will pass the trials and laugh at the dead. It is possible to rely on the waste. ?"

"Now people in the entire Tianzhi Valley are talking about this matter."

"You said that this embarrassment is not a fool. He was originally invited to come to be our leader. How big is the lift, how good the opportunity, I did not expect her to actually refuse, but also broke with the doctor, with a group When the waste went to the trials, did she really think she could win?"

Yunfeifei did not laugh, but was annoyed.

Hey, hey, hey!

During this time, she always heard the name from time to time.

As early as in the refining of the spiritual domain, this person pressed her in every aspect and let her not come to Taiwan.

Nowadays, it is also the case in Tianzhi Valley. It is the beginning of the Ming Dynasty Warrior Experience Competition. She is the apprentice of Yan Shenming, and she is also the leader of the distraction period. She is a well-deserved leader.

However, Yan Shenming actually wanted to let a warrior in the Yuan Ying period be pressed against her head, and once again praised her talent in front of the people inside the Tianzhi Valley.

If you are a genius who is not a world, then what is her Feifeifei?

What makes Yunfeifei hate is that she only later learned that she was not a man, but a woman, a girl whose age is less than 20 years old.

That exquisite face, if it is put on women's clothing, what kind of stunning and charming.

Thinking of this, Yunfeifei felt that his heart was like a knife with a sharp blade, and the dark venom rushed out, letting her want to let this person disappear from the world.

A few people were talking, and suddenly there was a commotion in the distance.

"What do you say? Is it really the **** of the cloud family? The first **** of Siam will be in the future?"

"That is true, my uncle is a manager of Heavenly Medicine Valley. It is what he told me. Our president of Qi specializes in the special meeting to meet people. You say it is true or false!"

"God, I heard that the cloud **** of war has already broken through the gods, and it has been fighting in Siam invincible thousands of years ago. No one has found his traces for hundreds of years. How come it will come suddenly? What about the medical valley?"

Everyone talked a lot, and looked excited. The admiration of the Yunjia God of War was beyond words.

More people are wondering why the Yunjia God of War will appear in Tianzhi Valley.

On this side, Yun Feifei and her companions also heard these words.

A girl with the best relationship with Yunfeifei suddenly exclaimed: "Fifi, they said this cloud home god, will not be your father?"

The voice of the girls is not too big, so everyone who talks here has heard it.

Everyone suddenly looked shocked and excited, and they came together. "Miss Yun, are you not the daughter of the cloud family, but the daughter of the Yunjia God of War?"

Yun Feifei's face with a arrogant and cold look, but the eyes can not hide the smug smile, faintly said: "My father's name is Yun Tianyi, not the cloud family."

"Ah-!" Someone screamed, "The one who is the **** of the cloud, the name is Tianyi."

"My God! Miss Yun is actually the daughter of the first **** of Siam?!"

"It’s strange to go to the cloud predecessors to come to Heavenly Medicine Valley. It turned out that Miss Yun wants to participate in the Warrior Experience Competition!"

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