If you are thoughtful, you will feel a little uncomfortable in your heart.

It turns out that Ji Ming has suffered such a heavy injury. Was it before he became Nangong?

The voice of the admonishment continued to come from the ear. "The ancient space of Yuankong is far more dangerous than your imagination, and it has become more and more unstable in recent centuries. If it is really a problem, even the master does not necessarily win. Live. Miss Yan, you will give up the competition and don't go to participate."

He smiled: "I have already made a military order in front of everyone in Tianzhi Valley. It is not only about myself, but also about the fate of all the three classes of the doctors. Do you think I will quit because of a little danger? ”

He suddenly looked at it. He looked at the unknown of the tea that was slowly coming from the distance, and the green bed that made the bed beside him. He said: "Why don’t you persuade you to look at it, just look at it. She is going to take risks?"

If he wakes up early, say something to stop it!

Unknown, I didn't bother to look at him. Of course, I didn't bother to answer his question. I just handed the teacup in my hand to you.

Qing Lan is laughing: "No desire, you have known the lady for so many years, do you still know her character? As long as she decides something, no one can stop it. The only thing we can do is to believe the lady."

After picking up the tea that was not handed over, I took a sip and smiled lightly: "Know me, Qing Yan also."

Qing Yan’s face turned red and his face was very happy.

Squinting eyes looked at the unknown around me, but my heart was quite doubtful.

I always feel that the unknown has become strange after drinking Guxi wine.

It still seems to be like a teenager in the past, silent and unpredictable, but I can’t say why, I always feel that the sparkling peach eyes have become deeper and deeper, only when I look at her. The shallow luster and temperature, at other times, are more chilling than the abyss of hell.

But soon, she threw these thoughts behind her head.

Unknown is a small metamorphosis, and there is nothing unusual about the temperament.

At the sight of the scene, there was no one to support him. I was depressed and wanted to hit the wall.

He also wants to believe in his decision, but the key is whether the master will worry about the safety of Miss Yan!

If the master knows that he is going to take risks by Miss Yan, he must not be peeled off directly!

That night, he sneaked back to the Sanweishan Temple.

This time I was in the temple, Suzaku.

As soon as she saw the bonfire, her heart snorted. "Hey, how come you are back? Is there something wrong with Miss Yan?"

I haven't had time to answer yet, and a cold wind passed through the room.

The familiar figure soon appeared in front of the two, and he and Suzaku quickly squatted down, "See the master!"

Suzaku looked up and then rejoiced: "The master, is your repair improved?"

The man in front seems to be no different from usual, but there seems to be no pressure from the leak, but the two are more awkward and awe than before.

Obviously, the master not only raised the injury, but even improved it.

With the master's current cultivation, it is difficult to step on the Internet.

But Miss Yan’s wine was actually done!

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