Wu Yu soft language, can make people in the place are red face, crisp legs.

It happened that the Xuan Sakura Fairy Award was mainly based on song and dance music, so she naturally got the top spot.

“It’s a great honour to be able to stand on this stage again when the time flies and the years change.”

"When the rogue could win the name of Xuan Ying Fairy, it was purely lucky. If it was changed to the stage of today, the ruthlessness of this rogue is afraid that even the top ten will not be able to enter."

There was a burst of laughter under the stage, and some people called the name of the rogue fairy, shouting to support her forever.

The rogue fairy gave a giggling laughter, and it sounded like a scorpion, and it was fascinating for three days.

After laughing, the rogue fairy began to introduce the contestants.

"Huayang Zongliu flutters, and once in Tsing Yi, it is absolutely loud. Our first contestant is the only daughter of Huayang Zongliu Elder..."

With this brief introduction, the huge call of the shadow stone on the stage soon shines.

Liu floated in a green dress, playing with a pipa, such as the picturesque image appeared in front of everyone.

If you are here, you can’t help but be stunned.

She really didn't think that an ancient beauty contest actually knew how to record a player VCR? !

"Liu fluttering -! Liu fluttering -!"

Under the stage, the shouts of excitement of men and women were heard.

Especially the people wearing the costumes of Huayangzong disciples, they are called from the position, shouting red and red, and can’t wait to scream for everyone to support Liu Piao.

The rogue fairy did not get rid of the anger of the limelight, but smiled and said: "It seems that our fluttering fairy has a lot of admirers, so now, let me introduce the second contestant..."

As the rogue fairy read out the introductions of the female composers, with the beautiful images, almost every player has a warm applause and drink.

This kind of enthusiasm, at the beginning of the introduction of Yun Feifei, completely reached its peak.

"I heard that Yunfeifei is the daughter of the first **** of Siam, Yun Tianyi!"

"I heard that the Yunjia Ares have come to Heavenly Medicine Valley, just to see his daughter's game!"

"Cloud Feifei is inevitably the leader of this competition!"

"Even if there is no background in Yuntianyi, it is not difficult to win the title with Yunfeifei's qualifications!"

"Cloud Fifi -! Yunfeifei -! Yunfeifei -!!"

In the hidden room from the square, Yunfeifei looked at the scene under the cheering stone and showed a smug smile on his face.

"Fifi, what you said has been arranged." Sun Lianxiang approached her ear and smiled. "I said it is the wish of Yunfeifei, and the person in charge of the Xuan Ying Fairy Awards agreed to help."

"Oh, but Feifei, you let me arrange to play behind you, I am not afraid that she will borrow your light and raise his worth?"

Yun Feifei smiled, and her face was cold and cold, but the sound seemed to be biting her teeth one by one. "I just want her to know that her goods, even if I am red by my identity, will never be with me." Comparing."

Sun Lianxiang was scared back by her moment of distorted face.

When I reacted, I laughed and said: "What do you say about Fifi? You are the daughter of God of War, Yun Tianyi, what is the calculation, and what is the qualification to compare with you? Do not believe that you can see the reaction of everyone."

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