The black woman, who was called a sly, looked back at her, her voice soft and with a smile: "The talent of this little girl is really high, but you and I should all see it. She has no sense of music. If it is an ordinary dance music, she may still be able to try it, but this [咤羽天歌], in my [Magic Sea Xiyu], how could I win the Yunfeifei?"

It turns out that this black woman is the master of the magical music of Zhengyue Palace, Zheng Hao, and the builder of the magic sea Xiyu.

No one knows better than her. Matching [咤羽天歌] and [幻海熙宇] arrays, the dancers are almost impossible to walk, how can they dance graceful style.

In addition, Yun Feifei has performed well and wants to win. It is simply impossible to go to heaven.

However, the heroic woman who was called Ling Yu was picking her eyebrows and throwing the finished core in her hand.

Not far behind her, soon a little dressed man put the core into a Qiankun bag.

Ling Yu wiped his hand and slowly wiped his hand. "This embarrassing, I once saw it in the refining field. It was her first time to enter the refining domain, and for the first time to participate in the assessment of the death and death, I stared at her. Enter a heavy door, two doors, until the sixth door."

"No one was optimistic about her at the time. No one thought she could pass the sixth assessment of the dead, but I had a hunch..."

Ling Yu said, pointing to his own eyes. "Her eyes tell me that she has a good chest, and then she has become the youngest medical sage in the history of the Siamese continent."

She said, she laughed. "Hey, aren't you saying that she will lose? Then we will bet on a bet, and I will bet that she will win the head of the Xuan Ying Fairy Award."

Zheng Hao looked at her for a long while, and finally couldn’t help but smile: "Well, then I have to look at it first. How can she dance in my magical sea Xiyu [咤羽天歌]."


The music has been ringing for a moment, the stars on the stage are twinkling, and the night is intoxicating, but the performers who should dance are still standing still, not moving, even frowning and closing their eyes.

Everyone in the audience was a little anxious. Just when someone wanted to shout, "If you don't jump, you will step down."

However, her move made everyone in the audience stunned.

[咤羽天歌] is a battle song with passion and tragicness. The song tells a group of lovers who have been separated in the ancient gods and wars through thousands of obstacles and finally reunited.

There is awkward warfare in each piece of music, there are lingering emotions, and there are also a lot of lovesickness.

In the last session of the Xuanzang Fairy Awards, Ling Yu Xianzi held a fiery red whip, accompanied by dancing, and changed into countless illusions, the cruel and sadness of the battle, the sad hatred of the lovers, and the counterweight. The hope of gathering is vivid.

Women's performances show that music and dance are usually made of soft long silk, sleeves, shawls, or beautiful things that can emit fire. The whip of Ling Yu is already a different kind.

However, at this time, standing on the stage, the hand suddenly suddenly turned out a sword.

Slim and slender, the whole body exudes red and blue two-color light, and occasionally there are colorful sparkling swords.

"This... isn't this music and dance? She, why did she come up with a sword?"

“Does she think this is a Lewu competition?”

The people underneath are absolutely desperate, and they must be smashed by the mavericks.

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