"And in the last round, it’s not just that it’s enough to be alone, but also to see what she invited..."

"How can a petitioner compare with Yunfeifei? She must lose this round."

In the voice of everyone's discussion, the rogue fairy announced the final ten princes, which naturally included 奚玥.

The game also officially entered the third round and the final round.

"It’s finally the last round of our Xuanzao Fairy Awards. According to the tradition of previous awards, this is the most eye-catching and most incomprehensible result. Because the results of the competition are not only related to the competition. The fairy has a relationship and is more related to the person invited by the fairy."

Invited people?奚玥一愣, revealing the wrong expression, what is this ghost?

The rogue fairy continues: "The final round of the current Xuan Ying Fairy Awards is titled - Fantasy."

Fantasy, this name is very strange to 奚玥, she has never heard of it before.

Fortunately, the rogue fairy explained it in detail, and she finally knows what the fantasy is compared to.

But this makes her face also ugly to the extreme.

The so-called spirituality is actually a means of painting with spiritual power.

After the cultivation is completed above the emptiness period, the spiritual power can change with the mind and condense into the essence, which is called [lingling].

The magic is to paint the essence of the spirit as a paint.

Of course, because it is a magical illusion, it is not an ordinary painting.

When these coffins are activated and melted, the painting will become a fairyland that seems to be illusory, and if the spirits are added to the fiction, the strength of the monk who gathers the coffin is strong enough, and this fairyland can even become powerful. Benefit from the mystery of cultivation.

But the problem is here.

奚玥 She is not a monk. All the female practitioners in the field, including Yunfeifei, are not, but only the military.

So they simply don't have the ability to condense their spirits, let alone paint with the scorpion.

The rogue fairy smiled: "Now there are men who have chosen the fairy to go to the stage."

That's right, all the women in the room can't get together.

Therefore, the third round of the test is not something that one can accomplish, but must have the corresponding monk assistance.

Of course, in order to show the entertainment of the Xuan Ying Fairy Awards, every time this kind of game that requires people to assist, the female repairers will ask for men to repair, especially those who are on the list of the male sons.

As a result, their popularity will also increase.

As the rogue fairy voice just fell, one by one, the handsome and handsome male troupe jumped onto the stage and stood beside the inviting woman.

Because there are only ten women in the rest of the stage, these ten people are famous figures on the list of the best ladies, and each one is beautiful, so the men who are invited to the nature are all very good.

When these people appeared, the handsome men and women stood in a row, and they couldn’t tell the eye.

Among them, the partner of Yunfeifei is even more eye-catching.

I saw him with a long-haired and flamboyant draped behind him, carrying a long knife on his back, and carrying a sly look in the handsome and evil spirits. He stood there casually and took away the light of other male repairs.

Soon, someone recognized it and shouted: "Oh, that is the third-ranked savvy swordsman Yue Tingyuan!"

Compared with the competition in the refinery domain and the [zero] competition, Yue Tingyuan at this time no longer has that arrogant arrogance, and more introverted deep.

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