Offending Yunfeifei is tantamount to offending the Yun family and the first **** of Siam. The people present have nothing to do with the crickets. Of course, they refuse to go to this drowning.

The rogue fairy is also overwhelmed, she has never encountered this situation.

After a long while, she said: "Hey fairy, can you find a male repair now wish you complete the magic? Otherwise, you can only give up the game?"

Yun Feifei’s eyes showed a sullen smile.

She would like to see, how this time will end!

At this moment, a gentle voice came from the audience. "Hey, why not let me be your male partner?"

The voice caught everyone's attention, and when the people who saw it were, the audience suddenly exploded.

Yan Shenming, turned out to be the only medical honor of Tianji Valley - Yan Shenming.

And the face is instantly ugly is the owner of the three classes of the water doctor.

Yan Shenming, a shameless beast, even had a face in front of him.

Yan Shenming seems to be unable to perceive the strangeness of the atmosphere. He is walking with the filth and anger of Yun Feifei, and walks slowly to the side of the beggar. He smiles gently: "Hey, I know that you and me have some misunderstandings. But today you Really need help, and only I can help you, let me help you complete the magic?"

Yunfeifei’s body was shaking, and finally could not help but scream: “Master, how can you help this... help, I am your apprentice!”

Yan Shenming looked at her as if blaming, and sighed: "Fifi, who wants to be a teacher, is exactly what you are, so I scared my apprentice. Ok, this thing. If the teacher has already decided, you should not say more."

Yun Feifei opened his mouth and wanted to say something. He touched the cold eyes of Yan Shenming and suddenly took a step back.

But then she looked at her eyes but was full of hatred, as if she could not want to tear her away.

Pushing her into such a desperate situation, why are there people coming out to help her? And that person is her master of Yunfeifei?

Hey, why are you! Why?

The rogue fairy did not return to God for a long time. When he spoke, his voice was stuttering. "Hey... Hey, you are sure to be a male partner?"

Yan Shenming smiled and nodded. "It is my pleasure to be able to partner with you."

"Zhu Xianzi is really lucky. From no male partner to a partner is a well-known doctor." The rogue fairy came back and couldn’t help but feel a sentence, then laughed. "Then I announced , now the game..."


He interrupted her coldly. "Who said that my male partner is him?"

The rogue fairy was suddenly in the same place, and the sound stuck in the throat.

Yan Shenming was helpless and looked at her with a pet. "Hey, don't make trouble with me at this time. Besides me, who else can help you?"

His eyes swept across the stage, his eyes passed over the unknown face, but he quickly recovered.

Unknown strength is indeed unfathomable, but his spiritual power has a devastating power in every thread.

Can't be treated for people, nor can you draw a fantasy.

So unknown, but 饕餮, Qu Changfeng and Xuanmu are not around.

Instead of recruiting them now, it’s not as good as...

The sly mouth twitched a shallow smile and looked at the slut. "Give me a tea time, I am looking for a partner, can I?"

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