The spiritual force wrapped around the little worm and flew down to the sly clothes.

On this side, Ji Mingxi originally held the action of the hand-painting of the cockroach, and both picked up and projected a dangerous light.

The cockroach is a small arc of the corner of the mouth. I glanced at the clothes on my left side and sighed a sigh of relief: "What does Yun Feifei say is everyone, but it will only use this means of indiscriminate use." ?"

Ji Ming’s fingers were lightly touched, and the red bug floated up in his own hands and fell on his palm.

It’s just that everything is silent, from Yun Feifei and Yue Tingyuan, they haven’t even seen the bugs on their clothes disappear.

Ji Mingyu slowly rubbed the surface of the [smuggling], so that the worms without five senses seemed to feel the threat, and shivered.

"Xi, what do you want to do?"

He looked up at Ji Ming, and blinked his eyes in a playful manner. "Of course, it is the way of his people, and he is still treating his own body."

When she said, she didn't know when she had some silver powder. She gently touched the surface of the red bug and smiled. "Okay, trouble Mr. Ji will send it back as it is."

"Naughty!" Ji Mingyu scraped her forehead, and the hand slammed, the bug had disappeared in front of the two, silently appearing beside Yun Feifei's back collar.

As time goes by, the breath on the [smuggling] will slowly spread out, and at that time, Yunfeifei will be able to taste the consequences of "harming others."

As for the silver powder that has just been smeared, it doubles the effectiveness of [smuggling].

After all, it can be judged from the fluctuation of spiritual power. It is Yue Tingyuan who sent the [smuggling]. Since it is necessary to help the abuse, how can we not bear the consequences together?

The last set of 奚玥 and Yun Feifei's magical drawing ended in an undercurrent.

The magic is activated and displayed, and it is also the most anticipated moment for everyone in this game.

Yun Feifei gestured to Yue Tingyuan, and Yue Tingyuan immediately folded his hands, slowly seeing the two groups of red and blue two-color power in the palm of his hands.

Yue Tingyuan is a monk of the water and fire double-spirited Tianlingen. His all-powerful agile group exudes the momentum, so that everyone in the square can not help but feel nervous and feel the inexplicable pressure.

The monks who watched the battle in the square also had a period of robbery. They thought that it was no worse than Yue Tingyuan.

However, when such a magical pressure is cast, they are whitened.

Straight to sigh under the prestigious name.

After Yue Tingyuan condensed the spiritual ball, his hand rose, and the spiritual ball fell on the huge symbol paper that Yunfeifei had just drawn.

Everyone saw a multicolored light shining, and then the piece of paper filled with strange groups burned.

As the paper disappeared slowly, a valley like a fairyland began to appear in front of everyone.

Hundreds of flowers are glamorous, birds and flowers are fragrant, waterfalls are flowing, and Bihu is like a mirror.

Next to Bihu, a woman in white is fluttering and dancing, which adds a touch of aesthetic and mysterious atmosphere to the valley.

The people on the square looked at the beautiful valley scene, and each took a breath.

Because this illusion is too beautiful, it is too realistic.

Especially the white woman, although she couldn't see her appearance, but it was similar to Yunfeifei. The dancing movement was really vivid, and even the cold temperament was at a glance.

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