The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2236: Just look good? (for ticket)

"Yes, not to mention, at the end of the last round of competition, Yunfeifei has won more than 50,000 votes, and there are only more than 20,000 votes. Even if this round is slightly prominent, it is impossible to surpass Yunfeifei."

"Oh, Xuan Sakura Fairy Awards is a beautiful woman. If you are like a sly woman, even if you have a good talent, you can't win the leader!"

The judges almost finished commenting, and most of the judges thought that the spirits of Yun and Yunfeifei had their own merits.

The rogue fairy didn’t fall into Yuntianyi until the end. Yingying smiled and said: “You are willing to comment on this last round of fantasy?”

Yun Tianyi swept through the gaze and confronted Ji Ming.

After a while, I turned to another place, faintly said: "Do you think that the horses are rushing, just look good?"

A rogue fairy, "What do you mean?"

The people in the audience also showed a confused expression.

However, it is a illusion of magical illusion, what else besides good looks?

Yuntianyi is too lazy to say more.

In the end, Zheng Zheng, who is more proficient in the array of characters, saw the clue and suddenly raised the volume: "Is it true that the distribution and variation of this horse is..."

"Master Zheng Zheng, what do you mean by this? What is there in this Wanma Pentium?"

Zheng Zheng was sluggish for a while, and he looked at him with a complicated look. He said slowly: "I just looked at the horses and galloping and felt that the horses were running in a strange position."

"Until the cloud predecessors wake up... In the Wanma Pentium map, the position and direction of each horse standing at intervals, is not arbitrary, but is particular."

"I don't know what kind of method is contained in this horse, but only at first glance, I feel that I can't say the profoundness. If sword repair can cultivate the body in it, it will definitely get great benefits. Can extract this Wanma's formation method and apply it to reality, I am afraid it will not even be worse than the Jun family's [10,000 people]."

The "Family of People" of the Jun family is famous in Siam. Although it is not the most powerful form of the monarchy, the formation of a 10,000-member squad wants to strangle several times of the same martial arts. That is A breeze.

Now Zheng Zheng actually said that the array method contained in this million horses is not worse than the [10,000 people], and even in it can be improved and cultivated?

Everyone's eyes are looking at Xiang and Ji Ming, and they all look like they are burning.

They have no color in the paintings that have just been abandoned. Now they look at the paper that has been collected, but they can’t wait to grab it.

Can cultivate and improve strength, and can refine the law, such a baby if you take home... no no! Even if you can't take it, you can benefit from it if you borrow it.

He also felt the hot and boiling atmosphere around her. She smiled casually: "This pair of horses will stay in Tianzhi Valley, and people who want to experience and feel the tactics and swords of Wanma Pentium can Apply to Wen Jia Quan Wen, Doctor of Heavenly Medicine Valley."

"However, I have to say that the ugly words are in the front. This is the horse that I gave to Heavenly Medicine Valley, but its ownership is still mine. Anyone who insults me and smashes me, you better not let me touch it, otherwise, Don't try to marry me!"

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