He was also caught off guard by this sudden change.

When I was hugged in my arms and covered my face, I still couldn’t get back.

For a long while, she slowly felt the chill and anger that came out of the man, and then slowly hugged him, and some did not know what to do: "Ji Ming..."

Ji Ming’s biting his teeth said in a low, dull voice: "I really want to dig all the eyes of everyone on this scene."

I heard the anger and jealousy in the man's tone. I couldn't help but smile in the heart of the original Emperor.

She took the man's wide palm, and the original nervous heart settled a little. Then she couldn't help but worry: "Ji Ming, my portrait appeared on the Zhaotian order, will it be recognized? And the original 觊觎The source of the wood, I am afraid..."

"Don't worry!" Ji Mingyu once again brought her into her arms, and the cold voice brought a bit of gentleness. "I will deal with these things. There are not many people who have seen the Zhaotian order. It is not completely clear."

Indeed, although the portrait on the Zhaotian order can recognize her, it is also necessary to look at the comparison.

Because the portrait is a little vague, it is like being treated specially, and I don't want to be seen by her.

奚玥 Some strange gods have why she has her portrait, but it is not clear.

She didn't know that Ji Mingqi was crazy when she wanted to find her. She had to release the Zhaotian order, but his monopoly on this girl was so strong. How can he allow others to see her face full of enthusiasm and embarrassment? The mind.

Therefore, the portrait on Zhao Tianling can recognize her, but she has been treated with ambiguity.

The veil that just smashed fell, but for a moment, these people want to see it too late, let alone recognize that she is the person on the Zhaotian order.

This is a sigh of relief, and the heart is finally put down.

But here is calm, and the audience below is going crazy.

"My God, what have I just seen?!! How can there be such a beautiful woman in the world?! Tell me, is it just my hallucination?"

"I... I also saw it... You said that you are ugly and salt-free, but you have turned out to be so beautiful..."

"It turns out that people are veiled not because they are too ugly, but because they are so beautiful! I guess it is a big **** who is reluctant to have a glimpse of the unparalleled face!"

"I... I am a woman, I have been watching, and I can't even think of it, because... because it's really beautiful!"

"Yeah! Yunfeifei compares with her, it's just... no, no, they have no comparability!!"

"I really want to take another look. I just had a shock and I didn't have time to see what the face looks like."

"Xuan Ying Fairy... Only a woman with such a talent is qualified to get it!"

On the stage of the judges, President Qi’s room.

When he reveals his true feelings, Yun Tianyi stands up and he can't tell why, the blood of the whole body is boiling inexplicably.

He is extremely urgent, and he is eager to see another look.

It seems that I can see what I can confirm and what I have confirmed.

However, the time when the veil fell was too short, and he was not on the stage, so he only saw a side face.

However, Rao is just a side face, why he makes his unstoppable heart rate accelerate.

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