As the light shines, the sweat on the forehead of men is increasing.

The image on the compass was looming, and when it was about to come out, it suddenly slammed, the light disappeared, and the man spit out a blood.

Dong Shaoyang looks cold, cold and cold spit out two words, "waste!!"

The man quickly squatted and trembled: "East King is angry, Yun Zhao's skill is still shallow, there is no way to find out where the origin of the wood is."

Dong Wang sneered, and the sharp eyes swept over the man and passed the other people underneath.

The few people were stunned, and even the atmosphere did not dare to go out. Some of them were low and shivered because they were too fearful.

If Qinglong sees these people at this time, they will be shocked to find out.

These people are actually the people who survived the Qingtian family and the family.

Ji Mingyu asked them to trace the embers of the Qingtian family and the family. Dong Wang Shaoyang should have a good appearance on the surface, but who can think of it, these people are actually hidden in the palace of the East King.

"When the king accepted you, you told the king that he could help the king to get the root of the wood, but now more than ten years have passed, what have you found? Where is the origin of the wood?"

Dong Wang said that in the eyes, he released the murderousness of Morihan. "I never raise waste in the East Palace. Since you are useless, then all of them will die for me..."

"East King is forgiving!"

"God is forgiving!"

The people of the family and the Qingtian family have squatted and burst into tears.

Feng Yunzhao's bloodstains in the corners of his mouth are too late to rub, and he trembled: "East King, I... I have intuition, you will gain in this military experience competition."

The East King Shuguang sank, converges and murders, looking to Feng Yunzhao, "What do you mean by this?"

Feng Yun Zhao Qiang suppressed the fear of his heart and warned: "The East King did not know, although Yun Zhao was only shallow and shallow [round-return] only trained to the fourth weight, but the people who practiced the round of reincarnation will have some predictive ability for certain things. Just like Mr. Yue Ze, if he wants to find someone, even if he doesn't have to use the method of divination, he can find the approximate position."

Dong Wang frowned, and his face was full of badness.

The monarch of the monarchy, he also looked for him to count the whereabouts of the origin of the wood, but he was actually rejected by him.

The reason is that it is not something that belongs to his king.

Oh, but it’s a blind man, dare to refuse yourself! If someone in the realm is protecting this scorpion, he will already kill him.

He squinted and looked back at Feng Yunzhao. "Are you sure? If you dare to lie to the king, the king swears, when you come back, you will smash your body."

Feng Yunzhao quickly said: "Yun Zhao will never dare to bully the East King."

However, his eyes were full of horror.

Because Feng Yunzhao knew that he had no intuition at all, and everything was edited by him.

Even Feng Yunzhao would not have thought that his speculations to save his life turned out to be a real mouse.


On this day, the weather was fine and the sun was shining. The Warrior Experience Competition finally officially began.

Because the official venue of the military experience competition is in the Yuankong ancient territory.

But the real position of the Yuankong ancient world is rarely known, because every time it is sent through the transmission array.

This time, the Warrior Experience Competition was hosted by Tianyi Valley, so the venue for the contestants and the audience was naturally the largest Shengyuan Square in Tianzhi Valley.

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