But what makes everyone stunned is that the sedan chair is not like a woman in the past, but a man wearing a bright yellow costume and a mask on his face.

"Who is this man? I heard that in the invitation palace, the status of men is far lower than that of women. Why can this man be carried by so many people?"

"I don't know, the team that used to invite the Moon Palace to participate in the Warrior Experience Competition has never had a man. Is this person sacred in the end, can he be invited to the moon palace's female repairers?"

He is also paying attention to the people of Shenyue Palace and the Moon Palace, but they have not seen acquaintances.

Suddenly, she felt a line of sight on her body and made her feel awkward.

This feeling is like a poisonous snake staring at himself, and will always rush to bite his throat.

She turned and looked at it, just in the eyes of a masked man who walked down from the invitation to the palace. But there is no such feeling of being stared.

Frustrated and frowning, she always felt that the sight was just from the masked man.

Moreover, she always felt that the man's figure was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember it anyway.

It stands to reason that she did not encounter such a man who invited the moon palace in Siam. This familiarity made her feel scared. Where did it come from?


As time passed near noon, the original stage position in the middle of Shengyuan Square suddenly raised a high platform.

Above the high platform is a magnificent palace with a carved jade. The central part of the palace is hung with magnificent words - the Yuan Kong Xiuxian Alliance.

With the appearance of this Gaotai Palace, the head of Qi of Tianji Valley, Bai Yingfan of Baijia, and Yuntianhong of Yunjia... some representatives from various families gathered together under the high platform.

This palace is called the Tiantang Pavilion. It is also the residence of the Yuankong Xiuxian Alliance. It is also a magic weapon that can be reworked by the refiners.

In the question of Tiange, in addition to seeing the rankings and locations of each team's points, you can also see the scene in the first secret. Although not all scenes can be seen, they can master the general teams. Case.

After asking for the appearance of the Tiange, suddenly two lights landed on the high platform, emitting a dazzling light.

Many people in the audience couldn't help but cover their eyes.

President Qi and others are all in one, shouting: "Welcome the Quartet!"

I saw the light above the high platform, and soon there were two figures that people could not look directly at.

It is the East Wang Shaoyang and the South Wang Huo. The repair of the two has already surpassed the level of God, and it is impossible to see through the ability of someone at the place.

Behind the East King and the South King, they stood two guards, and they looked ordinary, but each had a Mahayana period.

Seeing that the South King’s fire was coming, everyone’s face showed a strange look.

Every time the Warrior Experience Competition will send invitations to the Quartet Gods, but there is usually only one person at a time, that is, the one who turned to open the Yuankong ancient world.

But today, there is actually one more, and the one that is the most impatient to participate in this Rush game is the South King.

Dong Wang Shaoyang squinted and looked at the man next to him. He said: "Is this gust of wind blowing the South King? Didn't you say that the most annoying thing is to host this boring game?"

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