The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2271: Not falling back (seeking votes)

The array that was just called the car suspension array is one of the top ten ancient formations that I found out from the space of the Sumi. It shows how powerful it is, but the power is strong, which also means the requirements of the people in the array. The higher.

The car suspension is a magical battle against defensive counterattacks, which can achieve a terrible reversal, but at least it must be played by monks above the robbery period.

So let Ji Mingfu improve the car suspension so that it only has defensive functions, not counterattack.

This is so great, it is also very difficult to repair the three classes of students in the water medicine.

After a few people sat down, they began to take medicine and meditation. Although they were very tired, they looked very happy.

"I didn't expect the tutor to teach us that the power of the car was really so powerful. When I was trained, I was terrible to be abused by the great gods. I thought we were very bad! But the broken mountain, so many masters of distraction I didn’t even take us a bit."

"Haha, who is the tutor? Isn't she taking something out of it?"

"Don't talk, hurry up and meditate, we can't help the instructor, and we can't drag his hind legs."

Several people talked for a while and soon began to meditate quickly.

Yun Wenjing is remembered by the words of Tao Tao, and the corner of his mouth evokes a mysterious smile.

Their three classes of hydrologists have no ability to compete? Can only shrink and defend? Can't advance to the second round?

Oh, that's not necessarily.

Didn't the people who broke the mountain sect not find it? During the entire battle, one person never appeared.

That talent is the core of the three classes of hydrologists, and it is also the strongest.


Asked in the heavenly court.

Originally waiting for the "Stone Breaking" of the broken mountain sect, all the people who had been destroyed by the "Three Classes of the Doctor of Water" showed an incredible look on their faces.

A whole hour has passed, and the list of the first round of the Warrior Experience has begun to change. Many teams have begun to suffer casualties, and some tyrannical team scores have begun to rise.

However, they expected the three classes of broken mountains and water doctors, but their scores have not changed at all.

"How is this going to be? The three classes of the broken mountain and the water doctor are clearly in one place. Why didn't they kill them?"

"Oh, wait, the man who broke the mountain sect actually...has left! What is going on here?"

People who ask Tiange can't see the real image in the secret. At this time, looking at this change, they simply scratch their lungs and hate to rush into the secret to see what happened.

The most ugly face is the head of the broken mountain. He is gloomy and has decided to wait for Tao to force them out to have a good lesson.

Just then, someone suddenly screamed, "Oh, the scores of the three classes of the doctors have changed!"

"Where is it? Is it a penalty? How many people have they been eliminated... I said that the people who broke the mountain can not be so stupid, and the ready-made fat sheep are not slaughtered."

However, the person who just yelled, couldn’t help but swallow his mouth, and he stuttered for a long while: "No, no, the scores of the three classes of the doctors have not dropped, but instead they have risen."

"What?! How is this possible?!"


Yuankong ancient realm, Jiugong mystery.

One team is running hard, and the other pair is laughing and chasing behind.

The head is a man in white, looks sloppy and smiles but has a haze.

"Where to run!" He screamed and screamed and smothered toward the last two people.

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