Next to Dong Wang Shaoyang, he frowned slightly and dismissed: "I admit that this person has some skills, but he is so arrogant that it will become the target of all the strong teams. Are you sure he can live to the end of the first round?"

"Hey!" and suddenly there was a scorn of indifference.

Dong Wang Shaoyang was shocked and turned his head to look at the fire. "Is it just your voice?"

The fire was blinking at him. "What about me?!"

Dong Wang frowned, and looked at the two guards who had left the fire. They couldn’t see anything unusual and turned back.

It was just a little uneasy in my heart. At that moment, he always felt the pressure that was so strong that he could not breathe.

The fire was separated from the cold sweat, and secretly stunned one of the great gods behind him as a guard.

At the same time, his mind is also alive and well: God is so unhappy, because Shaoyang said the bad guys of the three classes of the water doctor? Hey, is this the person who smashes the masters everywhere, it is the little girl who is screaming.

Oh, funny, it’s so interesting.


There is no day or night in the Jiugong mystery, but according to general estimates, it is almost a day in the past.

His body shape is like a ghostly shuttle between the stone forests. In his hand, the medicine is poured into the entrance. The spiritual power of the seven-eight-eight-eighth that was originally consumed is almost instantly added.

She took out the jade slip and looked at it. Now the ranking of the three classes of the hydrologist is still the first, but the gap between the second and third is not big.

In other words, the gap between the top ten teams is not large.

Moreover, now is the first day of the melee, and many really powerful families have not yet exerted their strength.

The melee in the Jiugong mystery will last for three days, that is, thirty-six hours.

Thinking about it, a group of people suddenly appeared in front.

I only recognized it at a glance, and it was the white Feifeifei.

Of course, Yun Feifei’s [Tianming Dijing] team knows that it is reasonable to say that both parties belong to the Tianzhi Valley and should not kill each other.

However, the relationship between Yu and Yunfeifei can not be described as bad.

In addition, several inner-door elites in [Tianming Dijing] were ridiculed and fell into the three classes of students of the Chinese Medicine.

So when I came across, I was able to use them to increase the points for the three classes of the water doctor. She would not be soft at all.

The pace at the foot of the squatting became more and more smashed. The body shape that could have been seen with the naked eye slowly turned into a residual image. In the end, it turned out to be like a blue smoke. Dissipated without a trace.

This is not entirely a means of repairing the truth, but the pace of the phantom that was learned as a killer in the past.

Cooperating with her precise operation of spiritual power, as well as the power of the gods, in order to kill one after another in the crowd, one after another.

Kill ten people in ten steps, and stay in a thousand miles. This is a technology that is unique.

Others, even those who are much older than her, or even empty monks, may not be able to do it.

Seeing that a person in the early stage of the Yunfeifei team is getting closer and closer to himself.

The sword of Shui Shui was slowly held in the hand, and the atmosphere of the whole body became lighter and thinner, as if to disappear completely.

Just at the moment when I was ready to shoot, my face suddenly changed and my body shape suddenly succumbed backwards.

However, her actions ended up being a slow step.

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