The people of Shenyue Palace arched their hands and smiled. "I am sorry. I didn't want to be in the first round with Tian Zhi Gu and Bai Jia, but before entering the secret, Song Song brother. Thousands of miles, let us help the three classes of the water doctor, because there are his fiancee there. Huiyue Zun also let us take care of Miss Yu in the scope of ability, huh, huh, so anyone wants to Miss 奚玥When we start, we can only mix one foot."

I didn’t care about Yunfeifei and Bai Ruolin’s resentful almost maddening face, and arched the archer of Yunya and Shenyue Palace: “There are some difficulties in the three classes of the water doctor. I have to go first. Here. I will give it to two people. I will remember this story of Yunjia and Shenyue Palace!"

"Go and go! My brother's safety can be handed over to you!" Yunya slammed his hand, "Cloud Feifei this slut, give it to me to clean up!"

The people of Shenyue Palace also smiled and handed over, "Please ask Miss Yan to protect Miss Suss and protect herself."

He smiled leisurely, stepping on his feet, and his body shape instantly rose into the sky.

"Hey, you are a monk, who let you go, you give me back -!"

After the stimulation of this time, Yunfeifei was already on the verge of madness. He thought that today he would be afflicted and humiliated, but now he has nothing but nothing. Instead, they have fallen into a desperate situation. How can she endure it? !

However, before she went out of desperation, Yunya’s sword has already arrived. “Cloud Feifei, the pain that you have imposed on me in recent years, I want to get it all back today!”

The people of Shenyue Palace also stopped in front of Bai Ruolin, regardless of his anger and entangled with them.

Many people in the Yunfeifei team and the Baijia team are panicked, because the Shenyue Palace has always been known for its fighting power, and the Yun family is not weak. The two sides have joined forces and they are not opponents at all.

The more flustered, the more erratic they are, and the faster they are killed.

In the crowd, only Xiao Muyu flashed a ray of yin and stunned, looking at the direction of the squatting, and smiled.

Hey, this time let you escape first, and wait until the second secret, you can never run out of my palm.

The smile converged, Xiao Muyu looked into the battlefield, suddenly a hand raised, a pill fell to the ground.

At the moment when the pill fell, the smoke swelled, and people covered in smoke coughed up, and the eyes were dark.

However, only those who have been in the Tianzhi Valley [Tianming Dijing] team have already taken the antidote, so there is no impact.

Xiao Muyu Yang said: "The brother of Baijia, your kindness of assistance, there will be a chance to report in the coming days. Feifei, we will withdraw first, leaving Qingshan not afraid of burning wood!"

What does it mean? ! !

Bai Ruolin was shocked, angry and screaming.

After the number of interest, the smoke was exhausted, and Bai Ruolin found that there were only people who had their own white houses and the Yun family and the Shenyue Palace.

And his goddess, Yun Feifei and others who had come to help, all escaped.

Yun Yazhen looked disgusted and dissatisfied: "The swearing man, the means of running away is really much, hey, this time I can't kill her, next time I will let her eat more suffering."

Said, the malicious look to Bai Ruolin, "Since there is no way to find the swearing revenge, I can only take your dog's leg out of gas. Oh, your white family will be eliminated in the first round of melee this year!"

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