The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2284: Nine Palace places

The 9th house quota of this military experience competition was officially released: the three classes of the water doctor, the Junjia, the Shenyue Palace, the invitation to the moon palace, the Tianhai tribe, the dark night family, the Tianwuzong, and the last row, reluctantly hooked to the last nine-square seat. The cloud of Feifei is in the [Tianming Dijing] team.

Just the first time the list was released.

The guard who had stood quietly after the fire left suddenly turned around and left to ask Tiange.

The fire left the stay, then slightly widened his eyes, the heart said: No, God respects the girl, to chase the secret?

Dong Wang Shaoyang looked at him suspiciously. "What do you want your guard to do? Why did he leave at this time?"

The fire looked at him squinting, and he was welcome: "Take your ass, I like to let him go to the wind, can you manage it?"

Dong Wang Shaoyang bit his teeth, and the cold light of grievances and anger was flashing away. Finally, nothing was said.


At the intersection of the Nine Palaces and the Eight Diagrams Secrets, in an open area, the surviving warriors are now gathered here.

Some of these people are arrogant and arrogant, some are elated, and some are dejected and full of anger.

However, more people are still looking at the top three classes of hydrologists.

"That is what? I heard that she is alone, in and out of each team, such as entering the uninhabited situation, the heart is hot, killing people are not blind!"

"I heard that you are a super invincible beauty. Now you have done camouflage. Can a beautiful person not be soft and weak? How is she so ferocious?"

"You said that she is a Yuan Ying period, how can the strength be so strong? With just one person, it is even hard to raise the score of the waste team of the three classes of the water doctor to the first place."

"Hey, if you are the team of our team, maybe we can enter the Nine Palaces this year."

"The three classes of wastes of the water doctors are simply leaving the market!"

The arrogant arguments kept ringing in the back, but I didn’t even hear it at all. She was used to such discussion and attention.

It is the pride of the three classes of the Chinese medicine practitioners: we are super invincible and lucky, that is, there are such instructors who are unique in heaven and earth, then what? Not convinced to bite us!

There is a huge hourglass at the junction of the Jiugong mystery and the gossip, and the sand in the hourglass is disappearing a little.

When all the sand disappears, the Jiugong mystery will start to transmit, and the people who will be eliminated will be sent out to the Yuankong ancient land, and everyone who will receive the nine-square place will be sent to the gossip.

The three classes of the water doctor are screaming, and the cockroaches who have been staring at the hourglass suddenly turned to look at them, and took out something similar to jade, handed it to Meng Zisu. "This is my big fairy The transmission array obtained in the reward, the transmission of the Jiugong mystery will start in a while, and you will activate this transmission array and follow them to leave the secret."


"Hey, mentor, why? The gossip is dangerous in the world, we can stay to help you!"

I looked at them with no expression. "Are you sure that staying is helping me, not dragging me?"

In this case, everyone was frustrated.

Yes, the secret of the Jiugong mystery is the team melee. In the mystery of the gossip, there is no murder of the team mode, and the location of the transmission is not transmitted by the team, but randomly.

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