The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2287: Sprouting beasts (seeking tickets)

The fierce blue sky beast suddenly smoked his nose, as if he couldn't believe his eyes wide open, then spread his four feet toward her cheerful running.

With a slap in the face, there is absolutely no way to shoot.

Because the blue sky beast ran over, there was no fierce and cruel appearance, but like a kitten, sprouting and licking the tail.

Before and after her, the blue sky beast was thrown on her, making a squeaky voice, taking her tongue to her, and the tail behind her was more joyful.

What the hell? ! The head of the blue sky beast was pushed open, and it was almost petrified.

Say good and savage guardian beast, saying that when you see someone, you will cull it? What kind of ghost is this big cat selling the same two idiots?

Is it wrong to collect information from Ji Ming? In fact, the blue sky beast is not a fierce World of Warcraft, but the temperament is very gentle, suitable for being a pet beast?

In another corner of the faraway mystery of the Gossip Valley, another team of Tianfei Valley, Yunfeifei’s two teammates also encountered the Blue Sky Beast when they picked Luo Linguo.

The horror of the beasts rises to the sky, and the bells seem to have big eyes flashing with fierce and vicious light, and they are rushing toward the two humans who dare to steal it.

The two men screamed in horror and fled desperately, but they were blocked by the blue sky beast and there was no way to escape.

One of the warriors holding Luo Linguo couldn’t resist the pressure, throwing Luo Lingguo out and begging for mercy.

However, the fierceness of the Blue Sky Beast has been aroused, and wherever it is willing to stop, they are still chasing the two people.

Finally, in a voice of mourning, these two people finally could not resist, turned into white light, disappeared into the secret.

Asked everyone in the Tiange who was concerned about the process quickly got the news and shook their heads and sighed.

"It turned out that the two people in Tianzhi Valley met the blue sky beast. It is a pity that this blue sky beast is one of the most savage and most powerful types of Warcraft in the gossip."

"Oh, in the mystery of the gossip, the most is the baby, who can fascinate the mind of the person, but with the huge treasures, it is a shocking crisis. These little guys are blinded when they enter the secret."

"Rolling fruit is of course the most precious elixir, but every time the Warrior Experience Competition can get a lot of Luo Lingguo, it is because this blue sky is too difficult."

"Yeah, and the blue sky beast possesses very strong possession. If anyone moves their lingual fruit, even if Luo Linguo is returned in the end, they will be hunted endlessly. These two people are really a pity."

Many people in the Tiange have been talking about it, and they can't help but sigh. This Luo Lingguo is still very difficult to get.

However, they do not know, in the secret of this time.

A stupid, blue-and-white beast is looking forward to the direction of Luo Linguo, looking forward to her picking.

Although I still feel awkward, this kind of cheapness is of course not taking up the white, and I quickly take down the income space of Luo Lingguo.

Unexpectedly, the Blue Sky Beast actually felt that she was not polite enough. She took her for another step and found another Luo Lingguo, so she quickly picked it up.

Of course, there is also a blue sky beast next to another Luo Ling fruit.

However, the fierce and violent World of Warcraft in this rumor has once again refreshed the cognition.

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