The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2289: Inviting the moon palace to protect the law

One of them breathed a sigh of relief: "You... you are awkward... the law is right, you... you really have an ancient..."

The words have not been finished yet. The one-eyed leopard has already felt the misconduct of the two men, and slaps them in a hateful manner. The two men immediately turned into a white light and were eliminated.

He narrowed his eyes and flashed a glimpse of the bottom. Who is the guardian of the moon palace? Also know her secret?

The one-eyed leopard found that his prey was gone, but it was very sad, but then immediately cheered up and dragged the scorpion to collect the scent. It’s true that the one-eyed leopard guards the secluded flower that enhances the soul.

After picking up the Nether, I found that this one-eyed leopard had injuries, so I gave it a good medicine and fed it with a healing medicine.

After the wound on the one-eyed leopard is good, it is more intimate and more attached to the cockroach.

He shook his head and laughed, patted its head: "I want to find feathered agar, do you know where it is?"

Feathering agar is not a spiritual plant, nor can it be alchemy, but it has a hundred times better effect than the elixir.

In particular, feathering agar can also promote the growth of the soul-raising wood, which is the most important thing.

Xiaochi and Guliufeng are still asleep now, and their souls are all in need of long-term warming. The soul of the Yuan and the spirit of the **** are different. There are many ways to strengthen the soul of the spirit, and there are various methods of cultivation. But the Yuan Soul is actually the soul. It is the three souls and seven scorpions of human beings. It is a natural way to improve. The soul-raising wood is the only thing that can warm the soul.

So raising soul wood is very important for you.

The Soul Tree is the “diagnosis gold” that Baijia gave to the aunt, but it is difficult to cultivate the soul-raising wood. Rao is the ancient Yun Ling and the nine ghost springs, and there is no way to make the soul-building wood grow faster.

Wherein the growth of the sapling is very small.

The feathered agar can't be stored for a long time, and it will evaporate one hour after the picking. There is no way for Ji Ming. So this time I entered the gossip mystery, I can not use other elixir, but the feather excitation agar must be obtained.

When I asked this sentence, I did not expect the one-eyed leopard to understand.

Who knows that the one-eyed leopard just got up and motioned to tell her to go with her.


Ask Tiange.

As time progressed, the remaining people in the gossip mystery were rapidly decreasing at a rate visible to the naked wherein.

"Hey, how long has it been before, so many people have been eliminated!"

"Look, Tian Wuzong has only one person left, oh, even the last person has been eliminated. This year, the number of people has dropped sharply faster than last year!"

"But this year's first round of melee is fierce, so the baby produced in the gossip secrets is also much more than the previous one. This time the military experienced the competition, I believe everyone's gains are not small!"

Asked the heads of the families in the Tiange, the elders all touched the beard and laughed.

Even the head of Tianwuzong, who had just been eliminated from all, was not particularly depressed. Because he has received news, although Tian Wuzong left the last few people, although they were eliminated, they also got a lot of elixir.

Sitting in the corner, I haven’t been involved in the discussion. The invitation to the palace palace suddenly received news, and the light was slightly converged, leaving the Tiange.

She soon came to a hidden room in Shengyuan Square.

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