Yun Feifei thought that she had finally caught the soft underbelly and waited to see a painful expression on her face.

However, what makes her crazy is that the smile on her face is even better. If she says it, she will be crazy.

"There is no poison in the area, you dare to boast that there is no medicine to solve? Oh, Yunfeifei, are you as useless as I am?"

"What...what?!" Yunfeifei screamed. "How do you know that it is poisonous without arsenic?! The glutinous cream is colorless and odorless. It is attached to the meridians and dantian. There is no way to detect it. Even the master can't detect it. Why do you know?"

He smiled and said: "No arsenic can erode anything with spiritual power, especially when attached to the human meridians and dantian, it will slowly devour the lingering spirits contained in the human roots. Seven days will become a waste, and there is no solution for the medicine."

" know that there is no solution for the flawless cream stone." Yunfei Feifei screamed sternly. "This poison without arsenic can only be solved by my master. You dare to move me now. My master will never help Yun Wenjing to detoxify. He will be destined to become a waste."

Yun Feifei’s words have not been finished yet. Suddenly she felt a flower in front of her eyes, and then her chin was buckled. Something was applied to her wound.

An itchy tingling came and disappeared immediately.

And he has returned to the original taste and looked at her with interest.

Yun Feifei was so scared that she screamed and screamed, screaming and screaming. "Hey, what did you do to me? What did you wipe on my wound?"

"Nature is a ritual exchange." He said slowly, "What do you do to my students? I will go back thousands of times. What kind of poison did you have for my students? I naturally want to increase the efficacy several times." I will give it back to you."

" you have a flawless cream for me?"

He smiled and said: "Yes, the enhanced version of the flawless cream is not seven days, but it can make you become a waste in seven hours. You have not always looked down on my students, are they waste? I don't know one day. What kind of mood would you have become a real waste? I am really... looking forward to it!"

"Ah, ah!!! I don't believe, impossible, impossible!"

Yun Feifei screamed wildly, trying to run the spiritual power, but under the operation, the spiritual power of the whole body actually sheds and dissipates, and her cultivation is actually receding in the naked eye, accompanied by the tears of the meridians and Dantian. pain.

This time, she is really going crazy, and the fear in her heart almost makes her collapse.

He still smiled and said: "However, it only makes you heavier than the poison of the arsenic. This punishment does not seem to be enough! And I have not played any fun..."

Seeing that he was walking step by step, the purple vines swayed in front of her and could see the small mouth of the vine.

Yun Feifei finally collapsed completely, picking up a knife and smearing it to his throat.

The next moment, her body flashed white and disappeared into the secret. It has already been eliminated.

He chuckled and was very satisfied with the results.

Yun Feifei has just been scared, so I forgot that the damage suffered in the Yuankong ancient environment will be automatically cured after leaving the secret, but the soul will be damaged to some extent, and some serious injuries will fall at most. A little repair.

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