The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2310: Rapid elimination

Ji Minglu held her back and gave her a little spiritual power, only to caress her cheeks: "When I reach the seventh floor, I will find a way to come and join you, and you will stay on the third floor. Waiting for me to pick you up, hear no?"

I have seen the anger of Ji Ming, and I dare not obey at this time, and nodded quickly and smoothly.

Ji Mingqi rarely saw the appearance of a small girl, and her heart was hot and reluctant.

The ancient world of Yuankong is left by the Emperor, even if he is subject to various restrictions.

At this time, when the time is up, even if he does not want to be separated, he will be forced to send it back.

Fortunately, there are no other people in the triple future. It is difficult for other people to pose a threat to the defamation after the removal of Yu Shenming. He only needs to break through each level of the organization and he can meet with him.

However, Ji Ming also did not feel at ease, and arranged a defensive enchantment in the body, which gradually faded until it disappeared.

Yongzheng was slightly sad. Suddenly he saw the distant land of yellow sand. The red mangling spread quickly and spread to her side at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This... what is going on?!"

I was shocked and saw that the red mans came to the place. All the vegetation in the desert burned into ashes, and the bodies of those wolves were burned into fly ash in an instant.


At the intersection of the Eight Diagrams Secrets and the Seven Stars Secrets, Lu Xuyang experienced many hardships and finally broke through the enchantment and broke into the seven-star secret.

As soon as he entered the seven-star mystery, his Dantian felt the desire to move.

It is the origin of wood, it must be awkward, she is here.

Lu Xuyang’s face showed a crazy smile: he stepped into the abyss of Hell, and now he can finally let the **** blood of the monk pay! There is also the origin of wood, destined to be his.

Lu Xuyang pinched the artifact in his hand. In the Siamese mainland, there are almost few artifacts. Even the invitation to the moon palace is also a mixed-sky bow. It is his diligence to serve the old witch for a few days before he barely borrowed it. It is to kill the cockroaches in the ancient realm of Yuankong and win the root of the wood.

There is an artifact in the sky, and even if you have a great ability, you will never escape his palm.

Lu Xuyang looked at the only spot on the map in the seven-star mystery, forced the excitement of the heart, and quickly rushed forward.

However, he had just walked out of the way, even before he could see the sly figure, suddenly felt a suffocating fear and body.

Then, I saw the red awning flashing in front, and it quickly spread to his feet.

Lu Xuyang didn't know what the red mang is, but he felt the destructive power that made him creepy.

In the face of such a power to destroy the earth, he was stiff and even had no courage to start the artifact.

The next moment, he only felt a sharp pain, then turned into white smoke, disappeared into the seven-star secret.


When I asked Tiange, it was already a mess.

Because the light spots representing the warriors in the ancient world of Yuankong are disappearing one by one.

First, two of the seven-star secrets, followed by the gossip mystery, one of two ten... hundred, until all the light spots in the ancient universe disappeared.

“How is this going to be? Why are everyone eliminated?”

"This is just a gossip mystery. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to eliminate people so quickly?"

"What happened in the secret?"

"I asked the disciple who had just been eliminated. He said that he didn't know what was going on. He just saw a red light and then he was eliminated!"

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