He stumbled and opened his eyes, but he heard a noisy quarrel involving children.

"Monsters, demons, broom stars, roll, get out of our village!"

"Death the devil!"

"Yes, killing them is that they brought disaster to the village."

Wrinkled and frowned, I was about to raise my hand to block the glaring sunshine. I thought in my heart that I was suddenly in the ancient realm of Yuankong, how could I suddenly hear the noise of the children.

However, under this raise, he was surprised to find that he could not move.

Or, she is now in a state of soul, there is no entity at all, and naturally there is no way to block the sun.

There was a loud noise in the ear, and I saw the source of the sound.

It was a group of children, dressed in similar clothes, and a dozen people were screaming around the two children, and even some people picked up stones and threw them at the two children.

The two children are a man and a woman. They are all four or five years old. They are carved with jade, red lips and white teeth.

The refinement of the appearance does not prevent other children from bullying the two.

A tall boy yelled angrily: "My family's Xiao Huang died because the two demons touched my little yellow. Xiao Huang was killed by these two demons. I want to kill them. My family Xiao Huang revenge!!"

Said, he picked up a stone and smashed toward the two.

The little boy stepped forward and held the little girl behind him. The stone slammed on his forehead and blood rushed.

The little boy’s painful body was awkward, but he still said loudly: “Don’t hit my sister, hit me if you want to fight!”

The little girl who was behind the boy was crying, her face was full of horror, and her mouth kept shouting. "I am not a demon, not a demon, hehe..."

"Hey, you are the devil, my auntie said, when you were born, all the crops in our village were dead. After a whole year, everyone could not eat enough, and many people died. These disasters are all of you. These two demons bring."

"Yes, my uncle died in that year, it was these two demons, killing them!"

A dozen and a half children snored around two four-and-five-year-old children. How did the little boy block it? Only a moment later, the body was beaten everywhere.

Even the little girl who was guarded behind him could not be completely spared, and was stoned to his head.

"Wow - it hurts!" The little girl burst into tears and looked at the crowd surrounding them. It was full of horror.

Suddenly, she reached out and pushed the boy down to the ground, screaming loudly: "I am not a demon, he is, Wei Zixi is the real demon!"

The little boy has been firmly holding her behind her, and it is expected that the little girl will have this, and she will be pushed to fall on the ground.

He looked up incredulously, staring at the little girl, muttering in his mouth: "Sister..."

"Don't call my sister, you demon!" The little girl with tears, righteously scolded him, "Wei Zixi, I saw you touched Xiao Huang, then Xiao Huang died. You are the real Devil, I am tired of being hurt by you."

The little girl said this, the children around me suddenly quieted down.

Someone said: "They are twins born at the same time, they must be demons."

"That's not necessarily. Weizi is so cute, maybe it's not a demon at all. I think Weizi Xi is more like a demon."

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