The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2327: Going crazy (seeking a ticket)

Outside the secret, Shengyuan Square.

When the Yuankong ancient scene suddenly became abnormal, almost all the contestants were sent out of the secret, and only one light spot was left in the entire Yuankong ancient environment. The people watching the entire square were shocked.

However, the movement of the Yuankong Xiuxian Alliance is very fast. Immediately, the responsible person came over and told everyone that there was something wrong in the Yuankong ancient world. All the players were safely separated. This military experience contest was cancelled. Please watch the battle. Everyone is leaving first.

At the same time, the illusory projection that originally displayed the map and points disappeared instantly.

Wei Chengyuan and Jin Zeyu and others were excited because they passed the first round of melee and completed the bet.

This can happen in the blink of an eye, how can you not worry.

However, no matter how they asked what happened to the people of Yuankong Xiuxian League, the players who came out were there.

The reply you get is always: the players are very good, they are all safe, just need to recuperate.

In desperation, a few people had to leave first, and there was no one in the slowly Shengyuan Square.

No one had thought that such a grand warrior experience competition would end up like this.

However, the monks of the martial arts in the plaza were disappointed. They asked the heads of the celestial bodies who really knew the truth, and the patriarchs were shocked and mad.

They watched the light spot representing the cockroach, starting from the third layer of the seven-star secret, deeper and deeper, and finally reached the seventh layer of the three secrets.

That is the seventh floor of the Yuankong ancient world! ! !

There are so many treasures in the Yuankong ancient world that no one knows so far.

Every Warrior Experience Competition, there are very few people who can enter the fourth floor, and absolutely top.

However, the treasures that can be obtained in this second to fourth layer of mystery have already made the strength of the major families grow wildly.

It is thus conceivable that there will be many shocking treasures in the fifth, sixth and even the seventh layer of mystery.

Yun Tianhong quickly ordered the cloud parents who came with him to order: "Come on, what kind of person is this? What is the background, and the order is passed down, and people will immediately follow the transmission line, once they find out , immediately brought to our cloud home!"

"Yes, patriarch."

The elders of the Jun family: "The horse sent the news to the patriarch, and said that the Yuankong ancient world has changed. The person who changed his life and said that the younger brother of Yue Ze may have appeared. Can my family rule the war? This is the time. Right, those who entered the Yuankong ancient world together with You, can’t let them escape!”

"Yes, elders, I will go to order immediately."


For a time, I asked everyone in the Tiange to sit still.

The figure quickly came in and disappeared quickly.

A single instruction was sent and the details of the order were sent in.

Even the Shenyue Palace and the White House, which have a good relationship with the peace, are even unable to sit still.

Because this is not an ordinary place, but a meta-empty world, the legend, the secret of the last generation of the Emperor!

Everyone has greed and anxiety in his eyes.

Hate can't control her in her own hands for the first time.

Concealed space.

Dong Wang Shaoyang had already held the sly information in his hand at this time, and when he saw the flashing light on the seventh floor of the Yuankong ancient territory, he was even more excited and unable to control himself.

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