She didn't have time to sneak into anything, and immediately said to the white singer: "You save him, hear no, you immediately go to help Ji Ming."

However, what made her desperate was that the day was not moving.

Yes, the day has not moved. In fact, at the beginning of the war, she wanted to order the day to join the battle and help Ji Ming, but the day was not moving.

In the ear, Ji Ming’s cool and soft sound came. “Xi, don’t waste any more effort. Bai Yu is the guardian of the three secrets, in order to find a real new generation of Emperor. He can’t help us four. The candidate took the initiative. Xier, you leave, I will go to you when I deal with them!"

you're lying--! ! !

Looking at Ji Ming’s body and bruises, he was stunned in his heart, his eyes were a little red, but the sound could not be heard.

She thought that when she first saw Ji Ming in the Tiange area, he was pale and obviously over-exposed.

He must have been worried about his accident in the four elephants, so he did not care about the loss of spiritual power.

If it was not the consumption at that time, maybe even if it was an enemy three, he would not be so embarrassed.

Now, in order to protect himself, he was seriously injured.

The sly heart is like what is tightened, the pain is uncomfortable, the emotional agitation, let her Dan Tian's spiritual power keep surging, and even endlessly run unconsciously.

I didn't find out that when she was running, the white bead that seemed to be dead was slightly sideways in his direction.

At this time, Huang Fuyi laughed. "Ji Ming, you are hard to protect yourself. You are still worried about your little lover. Oh, you let her run, but you think that she is a little one." Can the martial arts run out of our palms?"

Ji Ming’s long sword leaned against the ground, and he was in front of the cockroach. His body was bloody, but his face was always cold and chilly. “You can give it a try. Is it possible to move her in front of me? ?"

"Oh, then we will kill you first! When you die, we naturally want to move her how to move her!"

Duanmu County showed a cruel and sullen smile, and the whole person suddenly turned into a lightsaber and rushed toward Ji Ming.

Huang Yiyi and Si Kongyu did not fall behind, and Qi Qi attacked Ji Ming.

Huang Yiyi was just injured in the body, and his combat power was weakened. However, Ji Ming’s injury was just a hundred times heavier than him.

So this time again, Ji Mingyu is not only falling in the wind, but supporting it.

It is such a moment of life and death, he also urged to leave over and over again, paying attention to the safety of jealousy every moment.

Seeing that there are more and more injuries on Ji Ming, the spiritual breath is getting weaker and weaker, and I only feel that my heart is like a knife.

Suddenly, she looked to the side of the white, the voice was low and dumb. "You yell at the master, I don't know who your host is, but my life and death, you won't care?"

The white man stood silently and did not respond at all.

I laughed, but it was extraordinarily easy, and it was absolutely decisive. "Whether you will manage it, I decided to gamble. Instead of living alone, I am better off, I would rather die with him." ""

As soon as the words were finished, he suddenly stood up and rushed directly toward Ji Ming’s body.

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