The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2367: God girl sister (question ticket)

But they can already condense their spiritual power on their eyes, and they only feel a blur, tears keep flowing.

Only in the end, from the Nanwang fire that came down from the question of the Tiange, I saw the figure in the halo.

Seeing the girl's appearance, and the dress on her body, the fire almost fell from shock, and fell directly from the Tiange.

While feeling the strange fluctuations in the square, Dong Wang Shaoyang rushed to see this scene, the pupil suddenly shrived, almost unable to restrain himself to want to laugh.

"Hey, the origin of the wood, the ancient space of the Yuankong, waited for so long, you finally came! Hahaha!"

The glare of the glare was slowly dissipated, and everyone finally saw it. It was a girl in the light and shadow.

She wore a gorgeous dress, which was full of colorful light in the sunlight, like a crystal that reflected the sun and was beautiful.

What is more beautiful is the girl's appearance, the country is full of beauty, and the beauty is not enough to describe it.

Everyone looked at the girl who had fallen from the sky, almost all stupid.

Even in this square, many people have seen their looks more than half a hundred years old, and some people have already had a beautiful wife, and some people have their own hearts.

However, for the beauty of shock and stunning, it is human instinct.

At this moment, everyone is stupid. They almost think that they are in a dream. In their dreams, they saw the unreal scene of the nine-day virginity.

Suddenly, someone screamed, "This... this is Feng Yu Tianyi!!"

Feng Yu Tianyi, legend, no one can really put on the clothes.

Legend has it that only the people of the Emperor's destiny can truly activate the clothes.

This... Who is this girl?

And the shock in everyone’s heart is definitely better than the headmaster of Qi.

The headmaster Qi was almost at first sight of seeing the girl's appearance, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "God girl sister!!"

Only his voice was too light, others were too shocked, immersed in the shock brought by Feng Yutian, so no one noticed his words.

After the headmaster Qi shouted the phrase "God and Sister", his heart turned up the storm.

Ten thousand years ago, this continent was not divided into two, divided into the upper bound of Siam and the lower bound of the Miluo.

Ten thousand years ago, this continent was called the wild continent, and he was only a little boy of the Cangda tribe.

At that time, the Cangda tribe suffered a curse, and the tribe was killed and wounded, and even he himself almost died.

However, it is at such a desperate moment.

The patriarch's granddaughter, Xiao Nuo, brought a girl who was even more beautiful than the nine-day goddess. The girl was omnipotent, not only saved him from the hands of death, but also lifted the curse of the entire tribe.

President Qi always remembers the scene when she saw her girl when she opened her eyes. He felt like he saw the light in the darkness, and caught the straw when he was drowning.

The girl told them that it is not a curse that makes the whole tribe fall. It is just a plague, a disease that can be cured.

She cured everyone in the tribe and brought everyone to a place as rich as a fairyland.

She accepted Xiaonuo as a disciple and imparted her teachings and practices to the people in the family without reservation.

It was she who gave the Cangda tribe a bright future, and made all the Cangda tribes reborn and started a new life.

But soon, the girl left, and everyone in the Cangda tribe was willing to remember her for a lifetime.

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