However, after the two men played a few rounds, the Dark Night Supreme was more and more shocked.

Because he found that he can fully keep up with his fighting rhythm.

Moreover, the opposite girl looks like a snow, a phoenix, and a clear-cut, and it’s easy to say that it’s easy to say.

How can one be forced into a desperate situation?

This woman, she... her strength has completely reached the stage of the robbery, no, not just the Yuan Ying period!

When she fought with herself, she was not only relaxed, but she also had spare energy. She was stunned in her eyes, like a cat and a mouse.

There is a great fear in the hearts of the Dark Lord.

Even if he met the master of the Mahayana period, he never had such a terrible feeling of powerlessness.

It is as if under this girl's hand, he is not a high-ranking monk at the peak of the robbery period, but an ant who can only die at random.

Under such circumstances, the fear of the dark night's sages is getting stronger and stronger, and there is already a desire to escape.

A sword blocked the smashing water sword, and the dark night sages were wounded with the internal organs, and the violent aura shock wave would be slightly repulsed.

Instead of dare to attack, they actually rushed to the sky and rushed out of the enchantment.

He sneered, "It’s not that easy to escape!"

On the Shui Shui sword, a dazzling multicolored light was emitted, and a sharp whistling whistle flew away in the direction of the Dark Lord.

Just listening to the loud noise of the "砰", the tallest building in the entire courtyard collapsed in the colorful sword light.

The dark night sages who had already escaped the enchantment were also shrouded in Jianguang.

His eyes were full of fear, and he could only see the innumerable swords falling in the sky, making him inevitable and unable to escape.

Wan Jian wears heart -! !

On the occasion of the millennium, the Dark Lord sacred to cover the imaginary hood and resist the attack of Jianguang.

The Jianguang was exhausted, and the Dark Lord was standing in the air. It took only a long while to spurt a blood.

The body fell straight like a free-falling boulder, falling in front of the scorpion, and the courtyard was also thrown out of a huge pothole.

The Dark Lord climbed up from the ground, his face pale, and his eyes were full of fear, his voice hoarse and said: " know that only the Yuan Ying period is repaired, why... Why can you beat me? No, you are not a warrior in the Yuan Ying period. Your strength has exceeded the Mahayana period. Who are you?"

I laughed, my eyes were like electricity, and I was cold and cold: "After you are defeated, do you have the qualification to ask questions? I have to ask, who is it that tells you to do to me? What do you want from me?"

When the two talked, they were surrounded by the monks who were alarmed by this great movement.

All the forces in the Qingyun community are generally based in this Longyou city, so for a time, the people of the major families and Zongmen appeared in this place.

And when they saw the two people facing each other, they almost stunned and didn't pick up the eyes.

"I am not mistaken? The two people who are confrontational are the sorcerers of Heavenly Medicine Valley and the dark nights of the night family?!"

"The night lord is the peak of the robbery period. How can a warrior in the Yuanying area be a rival of the Dark Lord?"

"You didn't see it? This... It's clear that the Dark Lord is not an awkward opponent!"

There was noisy around, everyone talked about it, but it didn't seem to be heard or seen at all, just looking at the dark night.

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