He originally thought that in the face of such an unfavorable situation, he should be afraid of it. He should pray for everyone to believe in his innocence. After all, this is just a girl whose age is less than 20 years old.

However, the girl’s face is awkward, calm, calm, and there is no fear.

Dong Wang’s face sank and coldly said: “This can’t be you! Since you can’t listen to it, don’t blame me!”

After that, his hand suddenly condensed a dark black light prison, and grabbed it.

However, Dongwang’s light prison had not had time to trap him, and he saw a sword light mixed with the blazing flame toward the East King’s arm.

Dong Wang was not able to prevent it, his face changed greatly, and he quickly took the light to retreat, which was able to avoid the burning sword light.

However, his reaction has been so agile, his clothes are still burnt a large piece, and even the falling hair has a curly banana, which is a bit embarrassing when it is high.

Dong Wang’s face was ugly to the extreme, and the man who shot the hand, “Fire, what do you mean?”

I saw Nanwanghuo playing with a dark red sword in his hand and smiled and said: "It doesn't mean anything. It's just that you bully the little girl. The king is not good. It can't be stopped."

"Hey, but the devil, you are so sheltered from him, you are not afraid of God knowing to punish you after you know it?" Dong Wang gnashed his teeth, "Don't forget, God's most hated is the Mozu."

Punish? I still don't know who God is honored to come back to know who the punishment is!

Nan Wang clearly remembers that Qinglong had returned to him in front of the gods and asked him to protect him, otherwise they would all bear the wrath of God.

In addition, when asked Tiange, he saw the attention of the gods to the girl. This shows how important this girl is to Shenzun.

Really want to hurt her, don't say Dong Wang Shaoyang, even he himself can not eat and walk.

I thought of the South King’s two steps to the front, and whispered to her with a voice heard by only two people: “Let’s leave as soon as possible. Dong Wang has been paying attention to you since you entered the Yuankong ancient world. He wants to I am afraid that it is not just the secret of the ancient universe. I will block him, you must be careful."

Isn’t it just the secret of the ancient universe? What else?

The pupils of the skull are shrunk, but the heart is clear.

The origin of wood!

Dong Wang Shaoyang actually knows that she has the origin of wood? How does he know?

Is it the same as the origin of the same coffin, the Siamese gods?

Taking a deep breath and pressing the irritability in my heart, I also whispered: "Why are you helping me?"

Nan Wang wanted to say, of course, the boss of the old man commanded, but remembered that Ji Ming also warned him not to reveal his identity.

I had to swallow the words that came to my lips, and smiled and said: "This king is watching the sissy, I like it, why?"

After he finished, he stopped paying attention to it. The sword in his hand was on display, and the sword trembled and hummed.

He raised his chin and slanted the East King. He smiled and said: "Whoever will be punished by God, it is not necessarily! I said that you are a sissy girl, how to grind your character, you have to fight, Today, the king is still really Baoding this little girl!"

"Fire away, you are looking for death -!!"

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