The masked man smiled meaningfully: "His Royal Highness, don't forget, this is the decree of God. God said, any person who dares to slay, kills innocent people. Those who are family Even if there are complaints, let them have the right to ask for justice with the gods!"

"Haha, you said it is good!" Dong Wang heard the words suddenly, immediately rushed out and ordered.

The masked man who stayed in the house was a hazy smile. He whispered lowly: "Oh, I don't believe it, your life is so big, you can escape this robbery!"

The only remaining eye, hidden behind the mask, exudes a sinister sinister glow.

When you breathe, your anger and hatred are transformed into deep thought.

This person, she knows, absolutely knows!

The picture in front of me changed abruptly, and soon there was a cry of screaming in my ear.

"Oh, these few people I know, are the students of the three classes of the hydrologist, and they are also the baby disciples. So, let's start with these people!"

A few students from the three classes of the water doctor who had no family background were hanged up, and the body was bruised and painful.

Among them is Wu Jinshui.

There is also the nearest instructor, Wen Jiaquan.

Here is the closest place to the enchantment of the Vladivostok, and I feel that if I stand by the enchantment, I may be able to hear the screaming from the soul.

The bundle of bundled celestial beings was brought to the public.

The people of the great families want to stop, but they are discouraged because of the "God's command."

Looking at a monk in the invitation to the moon palace, he walked behind a student, grabbed his hands and feet, and suddenly flesh and blood flew away.

"Ah, ah-!!!"

"You are a group of beasts -!!" Qi’s mad screams, “How can you do this? They are just children, they are just children!!”

Lu Xuyang, wearing a mask, measured the laughter: "Nuoguzhu, are you still stubborn? Are you really planning to watch your students die in front of you? Oh, these are the awkward baby students, you are sure Will she not be painful and resentful?"

Xiaonuo closed his eyes, his body trembled like a tremor, and the bright red blood spilled from her lips.

But she did not speak.

Her heartache is bleeding, blasphemy, self-blame and despair have turned her heart into pieces.

But she won't regret it, because she has already made up her mind, even if she is dead, even if she abandons everything including conscience, she must absolutely protect Master and never let her suffer.

Among the students who were hoisted in the three classes of the water doctor, Wu Jinshui, who used to be the most greedy and fearful of death, suddenly spit out the blood in his mouth and shouted: "Go to your mother, die and die, one hundred After the year, Laozi is a hero! Let us betray the tutor, you dream!"

"Yes, you have the ability to kill us, and the instructor will retaliate for us one day!"

"Do you have such a group of dog hybrids, isn't it the baby that the tutor brought out from the secret? I am, according to your group of beasts, where is the qualification to have the treasure of the Yuankong ancient world!"

Among the other people who were **** in Tianzhi Valley, Qian Dazhuang suddenly strove out.

As if he was mad, he rushed over and bite on Lu Xuyang’s neck.

He actually pulled a piece of meat from him.

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