"Seeking me?" He said, "What are these people?"

"The head of the doctor is a doctor in Tianzhi Valley. It seems to be warm."

Wen doctor? I quickly wiped my hands and stood up and said, "Come and ask them to come in."

Yun Tianyi frowned, cold and cold: "Put them to the main hall, let them wait for the first time, and say that you will pass."

I doubt that I can see Yun Tianyi.

Yun Tianyi’s pair of daughters were almost exactly the same as his daughter’s, clear and clear phoenix. He coughed and said: “They may come to you for help. Hey, you don’t need to care about them.”

"Look for me to help? What are you doing?"

Yun Tianyi nodded. "Do you remember those who have the enchantment of the Mozu? This enchanting temper will make people repair quickly and go backwards until they die. Every major family has tried their best. I want to dispel the enchanting spirit, but I can't do anything. The only person who has once lifted the enchanting spirit is only you."

He was taken aback. "The konjac of those people, no one can solve it now?"

"Exactly." Yun Tianyi frowned. "There are people in the Yun family who have the enchanting spirit. The monks who had had the Mahayana period tried to forcefully drive out, but I didn't expect it. After a while, the magic would re-grow in the body. ""

When it comes to these, Yun Tianyi's eyes are a little dodging, and he doesn't seem to want to know what he knows.

Immediately said: "These people will be enchanted, but they are self-sufficient, so you don't have to spend your energy to help them."

I nodded thoughtfully, but still insisted on seeing Wen Jiaquan.

Yun Tianyi was helpless and had to accompany her to the main hall.

Just entering the main hall, I soon saw Wen Jiaquan who was walking anxiously.

When Wen Jiaquan saw her, she immediately greeted her and said with joy: "Hey, you are willing to come, it’s great."

In addition to Wen Jiaquan, other people have come around, eagerly and nervously watching.

奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个.

At this time everyone looked at her eyes full of expectations, there is a small door of the door can not help but slammed down to the ground, with a crying said: "Hey God doctor, I beg you to save me Zhusha Gate!"

I took a step back and avoided his worship. Somewhat strange, "What is going on?"

Even if someone in the Zongmen has the enchanting spirit, is it not going to kill the door for help?

Yun Tianyi's cold eyes swept through the crowd, Shen Sheng said: "When you are killing Tianzhi Valley, when you are forced to swear, have you ever thought that there will be today. Now let you save you, do you want a face?"

"God of War! We didn't kill the Heavenly Doctor Valley, and we didn't force the doctor to swear!" The head of the cinnabar door cried, "We are innocent!"

Wen Jiaquan also quickly said: "The God of War, hey, these families, apart from the Jun family and the White House, did not participate in the Wai Tian Valley, they are really tempered by this konjac!"

This time, Lien Chan was also curious, "What the **** is going on?"

Wen Jiaquan said: "I don't want you to say that I originally hated these people. I didn't want to take care of them. But I didn't expect that the enchanting spirit was warmed up after a period of monk spiritual power. , it turned out to be a change!"

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