"I don't want to see that one day you regretted your life for a moment of impulse and resentment.

After that, he did not stop, turned and drove the wheelchair to leave slowly, leaving the squatting standing in the same place, but lonely.

On the way to the middle of the road, Ji Weicheng appeared behind Jun Yueze and pushed his wheelchair as usual.

The two men were silent all the way, until they were about to enter the courtyard of Junyue Ze, Ji Weicheng said: "You are the young master, do you really have no feelings other than your sister?"

After a pause, see Jun Yueze did not answer, Ji Weicheng continued: "If she took her away from the Siamese mainland, maybe a year or two, Miss Yan will be sad, but after ten years, she will forget the day after tomorrow. Prison God, maybe you can be a fairy monk."

For Ji Weicheng, he really hopes that the young master can find a person who will keep his life.

However, the young master has always had a weak relationship and never had a different attitude towards any opposite sex.

Miss Yan is the only woman who has mood swings when she is facing the young master.

When Jun Yueze was silent for a moment, he whispered: "Ji Shu, do you think that ten years is very short? If you really treat someone, how can you bear to see her sad for ten years?"

"I don't have a good impression on Ji Mingxi, and I don't have a prejudice. But since I love him so much, it is better to let the two of them break their minds. If they are both heart-wrenched, it would be better to give them a chance to die and give them a chance."

"Just, if Ji Ming missed this opportunity, if he really just wants to use it, then I will not hesitate."


The Yun family’s movements were very fast. The first time after Yu’s consent, the two shocking news swept the entire Siamese continent like a hurricane.

The first news is that the young genius doctor of Tianji Valley is the biological daughter of Siamese first war **** Yun Tianyi. And now that he has recognized his ancestors, he has become the most distinguished lady of the Yun family.

The second news is that the Yun family, Miss Yan, will be engaged in the third day, and the Yun family has already distributed invitations to invite people from various siblings in Siam to participate in the engagement banquet.

The people who heard the two news were all shocked.

It turns out that Yan is actually the daughter of Yuntianyi.

Moreover, the daughter of this Yun family has just recognized the Yun family and is about to get married.

More people are guessing, who is Miss Yunjia?

Who is so lucky to be the son-in-law of the first **** of war in Siam?

But soon, more news began to spread in Siam.

Some people say that God respects the origin of wood, and the origin of the wood is on the lady of the cloud family. The two are married, and the origin of the wood naturally belongs to the gods.

It is also said that God's love is miserable. Miss Yan, it is not his intention to kill Tianzhi Valley. He was retreating at that time. After he came out, he killed all the people involved in the incident because of his anger.

No matter how chaotic the speculation is, many people have already confirmed that this fame of Miss Yunjia can only be a god.

After all, is there a better man than God in this world?

In addition to the gods, who else deserves the daughter of the Yunjia God of War?

However, when the invitation was officially released, everyone was shocked by the chin.

Goddess Valley.

A purple crane swayed through the glamour of the Vatican, and fell in front of the president of Xiaonuo and Qi.

As the purple gas disappears, the crane slowly turns into a simple and elegant hot stamping invitation.

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