The explanations of the youth made them all realize that they remembered some of the news that she had seen in previous lives. There are indeed some places. Because of the relationship between soil and water, the proportion of children and men in the village varies greatly. If no outside population is introduced, this is not the case. Villages must be able to migrate or die. Therefore, it is understandable to have such a rule on the island of love.

Because there are not many people waiting to enter the island, it is time to turn them around.

At this moment, the original quiet guard on the island suddenly stunned, and the pleasant laughter came from the west side.

They looked at them and saw several fishing boats slowly landing on the edge of the island.

There are several men with big waists on the fishing boat. I don’t know if it’s because of the wind and the sun. These men’s skins are rough and dark, they look like the most common villagers, and they don’t have too many spirits. Force fluctuations.

However, these men's faces were filled with joyful smiles. After the boat docked, the boxes began to move to the shore.

These boxes are about two meters long and one meter wide. They use the strongest iron core wood. When they are moved, they look heavy, at least one hundred kilograms.

The guards on the shore saw them moving in one box after another, and could not help but smile: "Old Chentou, your harvest today is good!"

The man who is called Lao Chentou looks like he is at the age of forty-five or sixty years old. His skin is dark, because the relationship between the sea and the wind is still a bit boring. He smiles and reveals some yellowed front teeth. The appearance is not flattering, but he laughs. It is very honest and honest.

He touched his head and said: "This is not thanks to the help of the island's Jin scalewei, or I would not dare to hunt in this dangerous sea. Today I am very lucky, caught a jump of jade fish, just tomorrow is Fish festival, it’s great to take it to worship the Lord!"

The guards also laughed, and their faces were revered and grateful. "Yes, the island owner is very good to us. If there is no island owner, how can we live a good life like this?"

The fishermen have come ashore, just passing by in front of the people who have just entered the island.

In front of the hustle and bustle, in addition to 芊芊 there are several women who have been eager to board the island.

As soon as they saw the fishermen, they immediately showed a look of disgust and fear, and they stepped back. It seemed that they would get infectious diseases if they were afraid of touching them. The mouth exclaimed: "This... these people are too ugly? Is the life on the island beautiful like a fairyland?"

I couldn't help but exclaimed: "Brothers, the monks have a strong spiritual power to purify their own impurities, so they are usually not too ugly. But how long are they so dark and so ugly?"

These words are purely curious and do not mean to be disgusted.

But when she said this, just a few fishermen passed by, and the young man immediately changed his face and nervously said: "Oh, no rudeness."

I vomited and spit out my tongue. I am sorry: "Sorry, I didn't mean it."

The fishermen were not angry. Instead, they looked up and smiled awkwardly. "It doesn't matter, the Taoist friends are not fake. We are also repairers, but they are not high, but rely on the blessing of the island owner. In order to live in such a good place, and in order to maintain a livelihood, we have to go out to sea every day to fish, and the wind has been blowing for a long time, and naturally it becomes like this."

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