The sword fell and the blood splattered.

The head guarding Zhang’s mouth has already rolled out.

I didn't go to see the corpse lying on the ground, and turned to go to the training room that the guard said.

Behind her, the rest of the guards were quiet and unconscious, and the face and body suddenly became extremely distorted.

Their mouths were painful, and their eyes were round and round, and their eyes were full of panic and pain.

They opened their mouths and breathed like dead fish. They seemed to want to talk and wanted to ask for help, but the throat could only make a squeaky sound.

Until he left the room completely, suddenly there was a loud noise in the room, and the bodies of the guards burst open and turned into a pool of blood.

The practice room was a little far from the island's main room, and it took a quarter of an hour to finally reach the destination.

Standing outside the door, she heard the laughter of the man's arrogance, the screaming, the low voice, and the screaming of the woman.

He stared at the tight, dark gray heavy iron gate, his eyes chilling and terrible.

Under her stare, the iron door slammed open automatically, revealing a scene of horrible and disgusting inside than hell.

When I closed my eyes and pressed my own disordered breathing, she didn't want to see such a scene, and she didn't want to see it.

"Who are you? Who makes you messy?!"

The sound of the door opening attracted everyone's attention, and a man with a naked body naked stared at him.

I still haven't answered yet. Suddenly the little red bird flew out with her wings and angered: "Hey, let me teach this group of garbage and scum!"

The red bird flew in the air and suddenly became extremely huge.

Not waiting for the reaction of the people in the room, the hot fireball has been sprayed out of Xiaohong's mouth and landed on one of the men.

At that time, the man made a terrible noise and the whole body burned.

He struggled while screaming and rushed toward the others next to him.

Soon, the fire began to spread and everyone else was involved.

The little red bird still does not stop, the fireball keeps spitting out.

In just a few minutes, the men in this house have been burned into coke one by one, ending their lives in the incomparable pain.

The strange thing is that the women are obviously unable to hide, but they are unable to dodge, but the flames have not touched them, and eventually every woman is intact.

The little red bird snorted and turned into the original appearance, flew back to his shoulders, listening to the sound of the eggs in the space, and could not help but raise his head with pride.

I touched the little red bird and walked into the house.

There are five or six girls lying there, and some are looking at her, and they are afraid and stunned; if some face is gray, even if there is such a big thing happening around, there is no response.

He gently spit out a breath, the powder in his hand was lifted, and the girls fell into a coma.

"You just have a good night's sleep. When you wake up, everything will be forgotten, and you can start a new life."

Next, I will save it in layers.

She is not at the top of the Poseidon Tower, probably only at the eighth level.

Above the Poseidon Tower, she can feel a strong atmosphere, although not a **** level, but at least the level of the robbery period or even the Mahayana period.

Those are probably the confidants of the island owner.

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