The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2798: Nightmare memory

At this time, he was staring at him, his eyes were not angry with his own confession, and there was no suspicion that he could escape, only full of interest, and a strong bloodthirsty tyrannical staring at his prey.

Soon, I heard a familiar and unfamiliar man voice.

"The woman who can be seen by Shen Zun Ji Ming is really extraordinary! There is no spiritual fluctuation in the body, but the age of the bones is only 20, and it has already reached the Mahayana period. My fascination is drunk. The monks are effective, but they have no effect on you. Now they have let go of all the slaves in my tower."

"Oh, Miss Yan, how can you compensate me for the loss? Why don't you abandon Ji Ming's beside me? I promise that I will treat you well, and I will never treat you as a low-lying person." Treat it like ***, of course, it was before I got tired of you. Hahaha..."


At the same time, the small pool that saved people in the island walked into the basement of the village in the island, that is, the old man who had asked about it at the beginning, and saw the scene that made him feel excited and unbearable.

After rescued Tang Jingwen, Qinglong sent her to a safe place, and Xiaochi and Black Dragon continued to save the remaining women on the island.

What makes Xiaochi depressed is that many women have been tempted to adjust their teachings, and they have developed feelings for men who are not as good as animals, especially those who have already had children, but they have in turn attacked Xiaochi and let them let go of their husbands. .

There is no way for Xiaochi to stun everyone, and with the men and children, all of them will be handed over to Qinglong to somewhere, so that they have no mobility.

Despite the unhappy mood, Xiaochi still tried his best to save the villagers in the past.

Until the most luxurious home on the island.

Xiaochi heard that it is the village of the village on the island. It is the residence of the oldest fishermen on the island and the most respected old man.

Xiaochi still has some impressions on this old man. He is kind and kind, and he is not ugly and black. When he talks, he always smiles and makes people feel very affectionate.

However, it is such a kind and kind old man in the basement of the old man, but it presents a terrible sight like a human purgatory.

Xiaochi looked at the scene in front of him, and the body trembled unconsciously.

He saw those women who were naked, naked, and naked. They were wearing collars around their necks, squatting in the corner like dogs, licking the food on the ground and squatting on the ground.

There are still a few ruined bodies around them, and they are all terrible.

The hands of Koike are tightly clenched into fists, and the memories that have been forgotten for a long time have slowly come to mind.

He is so happy and happy that he has forgotten that he had lived in such a dignity as he did at the beginning. He was once locked up in the darkness of the earth, and the living animals were not as good as the animals. A **** night and night, a blink of an eye for more than ten years.

Until then, until his sister appeared, bring him hope, let him get a new life.

But those memories are still branded in the depths of his soul. When the soul is incomplete, they may still be ignorant. Now that the mind is mature, he can no longer ignore those nightmare memories.

Suddenly, one hand covered his eyes and brought his slightly trembling body back, in a warm, broad embrace.

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