The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2803: Wenrun Ruyu (question ticket)

However, the strong will, but can not cover the body's fear and unwillingness, she clearly has no strength, her hands are dead and become fists, nails are deeply embedded in the flesh and blood, blood drops from the fingers to leak out.

She swears that one day, she will let all these animals pay a painful price! She will definitely let this group of people **** as if they are dead, and regret to live in this world.

Ling Yu’s body was lifted and placed on a high platform in the middle of the cabin.

Several people gathered around her, grabbed her robes and pulled them open, revealing the creamy skin inside.

The laughter of a man is extremely smooth and evil, just like the **** mouth opened by the devil in the night, which can engulf all the goodness and hope.

Suddenly, the laughter of these men came to an abrupt end.

Because the young master, who was also very excited, said a word, "Wait, something is wrong!"

Everyone heard the sound and turned back, then they stunned and stared, and they finally found out that something was wrong.

Because of this infinite sea, there is only one of them, and there are several golden scales around Ling Yu.

All the other people and boats were gone, including the two unconscious brothers of Ling Yu, including the prey they hid in the cabin and the women and children who were bait.

The sea breeze is blowing slowly, with a bit of salty and cool, it should be extremely comfortable.

However, these people only felt that their backs were cold, and their legs could not help but tremble slightly.

"What happened? People? Boats? Why are you missing?"

"Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang, is your fleet nearby?"

The man’s shouts were loud and could be transmitted far away, but the quiet sea was calm and no one responded to him.

"Who? In the end, who is pretending to be a ghost? If you don't get out, don't come out, don't blame the uncles!"

"Oh..." A sneer sneer rang in the void, followed by a young boy’s voice with sarcasm and carelessness. "Just kidding, you have to deal with ghosts in dealing with these garbage. You too have to put yourself in the eye." Inside!"

"You -! Who the **** are you?"

Under the dark night, there is no star and no moon, only the lights on the ship are shaking, shining slightly.

The golden scales widened their eyes and stared at the front, slowly seeing several figures appearing slowly on the cabin.

There were a total of three people standing there, sitting alone, and they looked very relaxed, as if they were there long ago.

Standing is a Tsing Yi teenager, a glamorous girl, and a middle-aged man who is not surprising. The only person who is sitting is a young man with a clear eyebrow and pale face. His appearance can only be considered ordinary. People are a feeling of being calm and comfortable.

The gentleman's side, warm and jade, is such a temperament.

The youngsters of Tsing Yi looked at the eyes of this group of Jin Weiwei. They looked at the dirtiest locusts in the septic tank. They glanced over at their heads casually and asked: "Young master, how do these people deal with them? They are also sent to the bottom of the sea. Drowning slowly?"

The young man who sat still did not speak. The girl in the eyes of the glamorous girl had already produced an abominable flame. It was cold and iced: "Young masters, these people are all scum, and they must not let them die easily. We will all grab people and abandon them, then Get tormented slowly!!"

At that moment, they had killed all the people on the island who were in love with the island, and those innocent girls were saved.

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