The sound was cold and calm, as if there were no ups and downs in the dead water.

But somehow, Akasaka suddenly felt that a chill of chills started from the tail vertebrae, and he began to fight in both sides, and the hair of the whole body suddenly stood up.

His body was stiff and tight, as if it had been turned into a stone carving, slowly, moving a little, and looking back.

Although he heard the sound and felt the pressure of the sea, he had already guessed who the person was, but he still couldn't believe it.

Until, the opposite man's tall and straight posture, handsome and unparalleled face greeted the eye, the red hole of the pupil suddenly shriveled, the face finally revealed the look of panic for the first time, "You, how are you here? You are not Did my **** level lead to the big battle?"

Ji Ming’s look is very calm, and the dark star is occasionally flashing red, and there is no emotion at all, but there is a kind of crazy killing that is coming from the depths of the mountains, as if it will break out at any time. .

He slowly evoked a gloomy smile, whispered: "You just said, who wants to be your ***, who wants to ruin it, throw it at me? Better, you are now in front of me. The face, say it again?"

"Ji... 煜 煜, 冥 神 神 神!" Akasaka’s footsteps stunned, his eyes full of panic.

Suddenly, he was swaying and thought that he would not want to turn into a blue smoke to escape.

However, his body just disappeared into the air, and Ji Ming’s hand slashed his sword in the air.

In the void, there was a horrible sound of red scorpion, and the blood splattered in the air. Then, the red scorpion fell heavily on the ground, and the face was full of fear and sorrow.

In the hands of Ji Ming, the Xuanyuan sword slanted to the ground and stepped closer to him. "Weizi Xi really lived back and went back, and the men actually raised garbage that was not allowed to be on the table like you."

Obviously talking about ridicule, but his voice is still very cold, full of chilling.

Akasaka was on the ground, his face was pale, his mouth was covered with bloodshot eyes, his hands were on the ground, he moved a little bit outward, and his mouth muttered: " can't kill me, kill me, the devil will know. He Just in the Promise Sea, the Lord will never let you go, never let you go!"

Ji Minglu said coldly: "I just said something wrong, I can't kill you."

Akira has a smile on his face, and his eyes are robbed for the rest of his life.

Sure enough, it is true that the prison **** is still afraid of the master, so he will be saved.

However, Ji Ming's next sentence, he directly into Hell: "kill you, let you freely relieve, this kind of thing, how can I agree?"

"So, at least for the next few hours, I won't kill you, but let you always be in the infernal life of Purgatory, so that you can fulfill and reward you bravely provoke my bravery, isn't it?" ”

Akasaka slammed his eyes wide, his eyes were full of despair, and he opened his mouth, but could not say a word.

At this moment, somehow in his mind, the expressions of women's pleading, crying, fear and despair emerged.

At that time, Akasaka listened to their crying and screaming, feeling very incomparable.

Watching them kneel in front of themselves and praying, being insulted by the ugly villagers, falling from the high altar to the prison, becoming a cockroach ant who is difficult to control himself and death, feels excited.

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