"Yes...Yes, the Lord!" Akasaka’s voice trembled a little bit unconsciously. "She, she and Ji Mingfu walked together, even a lonely man and a woman live together in a house. This is a traitor~ husband~** *, so shameless, I really can’t see it, I want to teach them lessons, I didn’t expect it...”

Wei Zixi interrupted him, and the voice was warm and peaceful. "You caught her and did something to her? Perhaps, I should ask, what do you want to do to her?"

The man’s voice is very calm, even in the morning sun, it seems gentle and pleasant, but I don’t know why, Akasaka thinks that the chill of Sensen has been uploaded from the knees of the knees, and his trembling has evolved into a squeaky tooth. collision.

"I... I don't have... the Lord... I..."

Wei Zixi laughed low and laughed. The peach blossoms were tumultuous and screaming. "It's a pity, even if you answer, I won't believe it. So, why not look at it myself?"

The voice just fell, the red energy line had burst out in an instant, and suddenly got into the head of Akasaka.

Akasaka stared in horror and screamed: "Magic Lord, I am your confidant, how can you be so to me!! The scorpion betrayed you, she and Ji Mingqi like glue, how can you For a woman in a district, want to kill me?! How can you be convinced?"

Wei Zixi’s light is faint, and his speech is still so light and windy. “First, you are just an idiot. It’s never my confidant. If it’s not an idiot, how can you not know if Ji Mingyu wants to kill you, even if you have Ten thousand avatars, he can also make you fascinated. You can survive and find me, just because he wants to find me through you."

Akasaka’s eyes are bigger and bigger, and he shouted: “Impossible!!”

"Second, I don't need people to be convinced when I do things."

"Third..." Wei Zixi reached out and caught a petal floating in the air. He gently licked it and said with a soft voice. "The most wrong thing you did... you want to get contaminated." she was."

The one who even restrained him, did not dare to touch, did not dare to face, and did not dare to plunder, how could he allow anyone in this world to touch?

No one can!

"Ah, ah, ah!"! The painful and screaming screams echoed on the island for a long time.

A glimpse of the soul was drawn to the front of Wei Zixi by the red energy line.

The slender white fingers stretched out to touch the sorrowful spirit, and the scene of the blurred and blurred scene appeared in the depths of his knowledge.

Wei Zixi took a deep breath, and the long eyelashes hang down slightly, covering the cold, cold and twisted smothering in the eyes.


In the sea temple of Wenqing Island, the ghost fire in the hands of Ji Mingyu was slightly collected, and the corner of his mouth evoked a sneer.

When I saw him look different, I couldn’t help but ask: "What happened?"

"Nothing." Ji Mingyu held her into her arms and raised her eyebrows. "I will not take my own safety again in the future."

奚玥 偎 他 他 他 他 他 他 , , , , , , , 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 奚玥 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 轻 轻 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Take your own life to take risks."

In the soft voice, with a spoiled and full of trust, Ji Ming’s original chilly eyes were dyed with a soft starlight.

The gaze of sight looked down the black sea tower under pressure.

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