The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2835: He is damned (question ticket)

Wei Zixi’s face once again showed a smile, and his eyebrows were gentle. He looked at his gaze with tolerance and softness, like looking at the naughty child. “Inside, of course, it’s a fake garland secret lotus, I gave it to Ji Ming. Set the trap."

The sly body shook a little, and the shuijian sword held in his hand followed with a humming sound. "What have you done?"

Wei Zixi's slender fingers gently twirled the palm of the palm of the sapphire, and said carelessly: "What else did you do? You asked before or after you landed in Zijin Island?"

"I found the ten armor, but did not do it, but let them send you a message, that is, I want to lead you and Ji Ming to come over. Even though you went to the island, it is beyond my expectation, but The results seem to be closer to my expectations."

"The idiot of Akasaka is wrong for me to lead you to Zijin Island. I deliberately left the little girl who heard the secret. It is time for you to enter the mirage after me."

"Ji Mingming knows that I will enter the mirage first, he will inevitably step into my trap, but he has no choice but to vote for himself. Because of the opportunity to get the sapphire, only this one. So even know the grinding space. It is a trap, and he will step in."

"Just he didn't know, I have the eternal volume of the Capricorn in my hand, using the eternal mirror, I can copy a gamma-blue scented lotus in a short time. After Ji Mingyu enters the grinding space, the strength will be suppressed by 90%. Will be constantly eroded by the soul and the mind, and I still prepared for him twelve top-level beasts, you said, he was tortured, while protecting the fake garland secret lotus, and possibly peace come out?"

My eyes are red, and I stare at the man in front of me. I have a familiar face, but I am so strange. "Why are you doing this in the end? I don’t think I’ve ever been sorry for you. Treat yourself like a younger brother. Even if the experience in that dream is true, you hate the world and want to destroy everything in the world, but what does this have to do with Ji Ming? Why do you have to let us fall into disrepair? !"

The smile on Wei Zixi's face slowly turned into coldness and ridicule. If you look closely, you can still see the pain and hatred in the eyes.

However, at this time, the whole person’s emotions are on the verge of collapse, and they have not seen that emotion at all.

Wei Zixi slowly said: "Because he hurts you, so he is damned."


He looked up and looked at the cold eyes of the guardian, and the man’s cold voice continued: "From the beginning, he was approaching you for the origin of the wood. Solve the liberation of the ice, but let you repair it as a loss, almost death."

"I said in the illusion that there is a **** that will strengthen you. Since this is my promise, I certainly have to do it, my sister."

Look at the man in front of me, like Jiang Tao rolling in my mind, slowly, many details, many clues, began to line up in the brain, revealing the **** truth in front of her eyes.

A long time ago, that appeared in Jinling City, a move ruined the red man in Nalan.

At the foot of Cangshan, she saw the fascinating red before the fall of the bottomless abyss, and a pair of smiling but cold and cruel eyes.

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