Ji Ming's face was pale, his lips were dark and black, and his hands also produced complicated handprints in the void. He was already weak to the extreme, but he forced the sapphire to push into the sinister Dantian.

In the moment of seeing Ji Ming, there was a strong surprise in his eyes.

Ji Ming is still alive, he is still alive, great!

However, the two had no time to complain about it, and they couldn’t talk too late. She felt a sharp pain in Dantian, and then she entered a semi-conscious state.

"Mother, mother, how are you? Don't be scared!"

"Don't worry about the egg, just time is urgent, Ji Mingyu forced the gamma secret lotus into the scorpion's dantian. At this time, the energy of the sapphire saplings broke out, and it was normal for one time to bear it. But as long as she Take good care of the gods, control the sacred blue lotus, and you will be able to successfully lift the natural state of the wood!"

"Isn't there really something wrong with my mother? Hey, Xiaojinlong is unconscious, and the mother is unconscious, and the egg is so scared!"

"Believe me, they are all okay. Ji Ming's move is adventurous, but he definitely considers the safety of the cockroach, and it is also the best way. Now it is... Ji Ming 煜 is probably very dangerous now."


In the confusion, I only feel that the pain in my body is like a fire, and it seems that my bones are broken and then connected, and the flesh and blood are torn apart and merged.

That kind of pain can't be described in words, it hurts that she wants to sorrow in desperation, and to roll on the spot, but her body is completely out of control.

The most painful thing is Dan Tian. It seems that there is a powerful force to tear the Dantian, twisting and pulling, and then slowly let the power of the seal's wood source overflow a little.

Just when she was tortured to death and wanted to give up, she heard a conversation between the egg and the little red bird.

She realized that her consciousness had entered space and her body was in a coma, but her consciousness was clear and painful.

The red bird’s voice is worried and a bit anxious. “When you look at Ji’s look, it’s obviously seriously injured in the grinding space. In fact, in such a situation, he has to come out of the grinding space for a short time. It is obviously a very heavy price to kill the guardian beast of the blue orchid in it."

"Not to mention, after leaving the grinding space, he also desperately used the real yuan to force the sapphire secret lotus into the body. In order to protect the cockroaches, he was also beaten by Wei Zixi, and now he is afraid that it is already strong. ""

"Wei Xixi's repair is not lower than him, even higher than him. Now you are seriously injured, Wei Zixi hates him for shares, oh... you are afraid that it is fierce! Just... just, How can the **** priest Wei Zixi be unknown? How could it be the stupid and cold boy?"

The little red bird said and said, the voice was sorrowful and saddened, and the wings were smashed and beaten.

The person around you, only it has an experience of getting along with you.

I also know that the boy who always wears red clothes is stunning, his temperament is extremely violent and cruel, and he is alienated from others. However, he is really good at confrontation, even to the point of dependence.

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