Wei Zixi's look is not a little fluctuating, and his mouth still has a lazy smile. "Oh? Jun Linxi saved me? I don't seem to remember it! But now I can change my mind and put you safe. Leaving, you can even give up the idea of ​​destroying the gods, so that you can safely take over the position of the Emperor and keep the security of the gods. I have only one condition -"

The man’s voice paused, his eyes fell on the unconscious girl, and the voice was rare to bring a gentle, strange and extreme gentleness. “As long as you are willing to give up, give her to me, I will help you. How about boarding the emperor?"

"you wanna die!!!"

From the beginning to the end, it has been extremely calm, and there is no mood swing in the eyes of Ji Ming to this moment, and finally burst into a chilly suffocation.

The red light was looming in his shackles, and slowly boiling, as if to drown his entire eyelids.

In the space, the little red birds and eggs that have been paying attention to Ji Ming’s eyes have been scared and chilled.

The egg even hid behind the little red bird, and trembled slightly: "Hey... Why do I feel awkward... so terrible!"

The little red bird is also full of worries and puzzles, as well as the uneasiness and fear from the bottom of her heart when she sees the red-eyed eyes.

They all felt that Ji Mingyu seemed to have changed himself at this time.

Obviously, the body that had already burned out the lights, but suddenly burst into horror to seem inexhaustible energy.

However, his spiritual power clearly consumes 90%, and there is such a strong spiritual power.

Xuanyuanjian made a scream, wrapped in dark energy, and screamed toward Weizi Xi.

Wei Zixi picked up his eyebrows, and his eyes passed a touch of surprise, and the curvature of his mouth seemed to be awkward.

It seems to be a bit of an accident, and it seems to be interesting.

The red energy line spread like a dense mesh, blocking the Xuanyuan sword in midair.

Blocked, but did not block.

Wei Zixi's face was white, and a blood spurted out. The black Jianguang in the void was stunned with earth-shattering momentum.

At the same time, Ji Ming’s figure appeared in front of him like a phantom.

The red energy line was entangled with the hot temperature, but he was smashed by the palm of his hand.

The power of swallowing was launched from his palm, and Ji Mingqi was launched again. The fierce roar of the roaring sound, Wei Zixi’s body flew out like a broken kite, and slammed into the capital injection.

The gravel fell, mixed with the blood of Wei Zixi and the red dyed red shirt, as well as the pale face, it looked so shocking.

Ji Mingqi did not stop the attack, and his body shape rose. He grabbed the Xuanyuan sword in the air and squatted toward the seemingly weak and weak Wei Zixi.

Wei Zixi fell into such a desperate situation, but his face was not half-conflicted, but his mouth provoked a smile.

The five fingers of the slender white are spread out, and the next moment, a purple scepter appears in his palm.

This is the scepter of the high priest of the gods - the scorpion scepter, and one of the four most powerful and terrible sacred devices in the world.

The scorpion scorpion scented in the hands of Wei Zixi.

The red energy of Wei Zixi's body is also like a burning flame, and the light of the gods' scepter is reddish.

Xuanyuanjian pierced into the aperture of the goddess of the sky.

Just listening to the sound of a jingle, the artifact Xuanyuan sword actually broke into two.

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