The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2849: Wake up (seek ticket)

The familiar voice, with a slight hoar, sounded above, "I finally...waiting for you!"

"This time, you finally belong to me!"

He was shocked and widened his eyes. What is Ji Mingyu talking about?

Her hand came to the man's chest and wanted to push him away. This strong oppression and imprisonment felt that she didn't like it and didn't like it.

However, such a small resistance, as if irritating the man above.

A pain in her wrist, her hands have been shackled and firmly pressed to the top of her head.

"Ji Ming---!" screamed and wanted to ask him what he wanted to do.

However, Ji Ming’s movements are faster than her.

Just listening to the tears, the clothes on the body have been shredded, revealing a skin that is more delicate than snow.

The cold lips fell on her chest clavicle, with a frantic and cold taste, as if punishable, but also plundered.

Pain, from the surface of the skin, with Mori cold, infiltrated into the bone marrow.

The body trembled fiercely, and the extreme fear rushed into her heart, letting her start struggling.

"Ji Ming, you wake up! Tell me, what are you doing?!!"

During the struggle, her arm was scratched and the blood oozing out.

During the struggle, there were bruises on her body.

Once Ji Ming’s cultivation is restored, the gap between her and the man’s strength is like a scorpio.

However, she is not willing to have a close relationship with Ji Ming, who is at the moment, even if she is bruised and bruised.

Because the man in front of him has the face of Ji Ming, but there is not a little bit of Ji Ming's breath, the only thing left is cruel and cold, savage and plunder.

This man is not Ji Ming, not the man she loves, not the man she promised to live and die.

However, if this is not Ji Ming, then where is her love of Ji Ming?

Did you die in a mirage?

Could it be that Ji Mingyu can’t change back to the former Ji Ming?

When I think about it, I feel a bit of pain in my heart.

It hurts that she can't breathe, and her tears can no longer hold her eyes.

"Ji Ming, Ji Mingqi... Are you coming back?"

"Ji Ming, save me, I hurt so much..."

The man who was about to invade the shackles flashed a sigh of relief when he heard the voice crying and calling with grievances.

The redness of the red light flickers, as if there are two forces in each other's strength and struggle.

Ji Ming slammed his eyes shut, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with a trace of blood. When he opened again, the redness of the fundus had receded and turned into a dark and clear.

However, when his gaze fell on his body, he saw her body full of bruises and bruises, as well as the deep visible bones that were scratched on her arms. The light suddenly trembled and the red color appeared again.

It’s just that this time the redness is not the invasion of the mind, but the pain and distress that he wants to delay.

"Xier!" The hoarse voice screamed at the girl's name, the trembling hand touched the scar on the crystal skin, the spiritual flow, the scars disappeared, but the pain and self-blame of his heart could not be erased.

Hearing this familiar call, he slowly returned to the gods, and the tearful eyes of the mother-in-law greeted the man with pity, pain and trepidation.

The kind that only reflected her alone, only loved her alone, and the dawn of her care was so familiar that she was suddenly released from the tension and fear.

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