He bowed slightly, and the soft kiss fell on the girl's eyebrows, and then he slept.

In the middle of it, Ji Mingyu felt that he had come to a strange place, and the surrounding light and shadows were blurred and folded, so that he could not see the sight in front of him.

Suddenly, the picture in front of the scene changed, and there was a scene after the chaos and **** natural disaster.

Screaming, cursing, desperate mourning filled his ears, blood filled the whole world, like hell, and like the end of the world.

Then, a sacred light fell on the earth, and the life that died suddenly regained its vitality. The withered vegetation revived, the dry land returned to fertility, and the **** sky returned to blue.

This should be a scene of incomparable joy, but Ji Ming also feels that his throat seems to be tightened by one hand, and extreme fear and sorrow come from his heart.

In the daytime, he saw a scene in which a girl slowly fell.

He saw the girl who smiled forever and was holy and innocent. The clothes were stained with blood, and he slowly closed his eyes in his arms and lost all vitality.

Hatred, unwillingness, pain, despair... All the negative emotions are intertwined, making him feel that he is only in the most terrible hell.

In his ear, the man hoarse and screaming, the sound of his voice, and it seems that he is not his.

"Why?! Why do you prefer to die for them and not accept me?!"

"Heaven and earth are spiritual, thousands of gods and gods, I want you to bury them all!!"

Ji Ming slammed his eyes wide, slammed in the cold, and desperately wanted to see the scene in front of him, but nothing but a **** scorpion.

He always felt that the voice was very familiar, but he was far away from him, as if he had been separated for thousands of years, so that he could not distinguish and could not recall.

However, this voice he heard, he must have heard!

Suddenly, the scene in front of me changes again.

It is in a beautiful valley.

The colorful butterflies dance and dance gently, which is the most beautiful scene, the most warm moment.

He saw a man who looked exactly like himself and slowly squatted at the girl in front of him.

The man said, "Hey, are you willing to marry me? You are willing to be the wife of my Nangong, eternal life, not separated from me?"

At this moment, Ji Mingzhen felt her heart pounding, looking forward to the girl's answer, eager for the girl's answer.

As if, he is the man named Nangong.

No, he is Nangong Temple, and Nangong Temple is him.

When he heard the phrase "I am willing" with tears and whimpers, the whole heart is like a flower bloom, and the happiness that has never existed is filled with heart.

His girl, his only beloved, finally promised to marry him, they will be together forever, never separated.

But at the happiest moment, the scene in front of me became blurred.

Ji Mingxi heard the same voice as him, with sadness and pain and unwillingness, slowly sounded.

"I hope that time can stay at this moment. I can have more than two thousand years, two hundred years, even if I have twenty years of time, I will be with her, and she will be with her, even with her."

Ji Ming's pupil slammed for a while, and his eyes looked at a certain place in the void. After a long time, he said: "Nangong煜? Do you still exist?"

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