The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2895: Water pulse (seeking ticket)

However, what shocked Ji Ming and Yu was that although the old but intact Tongtianyu appeared, there were three extremely small cracks at that time, and the crack was just in the middle of Tongtianyu’s position. The two worlds of Tian Yu are separated.

There is no half-milk smile on the face of Jun Yueze, and the sound is no longer quiet and soothing, but it is as heavy as water. "The heavens and the earth have changed, the yin and yang are in turmoil, and Siam and the gods are afraid to usher in the storm."

He said, looking up at Yu and Ji Ming, the darkness in his eyes slowly turned into a worry that could not be opened. "And these three cracks and this rebellion are my divination for the future of your two. And the results are obtained."

His breath was slightly stagnation, and he suddenly tightened Ji Ming’s hand. I don’t know why, panic, and her hands and feet were cold.

At that moment, she still felt very warm and happy, but in a blink of an eye it was the image of chaos.

She is more afraid that she will reappear in the life of Jurassic, and she is afraid that Ji Ming will leave her side again.

Ji Ming also feels her fear and worry, and she embraces her in her arms. She said: "Don't worry, there is me there, I will not let everything happen again."

Feel the strong embrace and firm words of the man, and the heart is gradually settled down.

Ji Mingyu looked at Junyue Zedao: "Can you know what the chaos is?"

Jun Yueze frowned: "The elephant has not been shown yet, and there is a crack in Tongtianyu. I can try to bury it again..."

"No!" Jun Yueze has not finished, Ling Yu has been interrupted loudly. "Mr. You just had a divination that time, you have already let yourself vomit blood and coma, and once again in a short time, do you take your life?" ?"

A Qing also complained: "Young master, Miss Yan, but it is so tens of thousands of people that you can't bother with it. You don't listen to the doctor's advice. It turns out that those diseases can be ruled!"

He was also shocked: "Are you vomiting again?"

She quickly went up two steps and crouched down to grab the hand of Jun Yueze.

Jun Yueze’s voice is mild: “No need to worry, my physical condition can’t be practiced innately, and the divination and the array are consuming the gods. It’s a matter of course that the body is weak.”

But because of the inability to practice, he and the rules of heaven are separated from each other, so even if he has so many sneak peeks, he has never been countered, and even if he is a rule of heaven, he can't take him.

There must be some loss, perhaps this is the blessing of the blessings, the blessings of good fortune.

The origin of the wood slowly enters the body of Junyueze, and the warm spiritual power flows between the meridians, so that the originally cold body is ironed a little.

Jun Yueze felt uncomfortable and comfortable, and wanted to sigh.

His face was getting more and more dignified, more and more shocked, and his brows wrinkled tightly together.

"How could this be?" she muttered. "Why is your water reappearing? It has been recasting most of the meridians for you. It is reasonable to say that you will slowly return to normal, but now your meridians are 50% of them are replaced by water veins. How is this possible?!"

"What is the water pulse?" Ling Yu nervously said, "Hey, what do you mean by this? Is Mr. dangerous?"

A Qing also screamed scaredly: "Miss Yan, don't scare me, don't you say that the young master is no longer in danger?"

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