The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 3345: Die for her? (two)

The lingering magical spirits screamed excitedly and wanted to engulf the cockroaches.

Can not wait for the magic to get rid of the coma.

The rich magical power suddenly rolled like a lake on the boulder.

Then, a black figure skyrocketed and caught in the air.

"姬冥煜-!! You are still not dead like this!!" Ji took the wind and screamed, "Because you are the new **** of the destiny, even the heavens and the avenues are protecting you." ?!"

"How can they protect you? You are the end of the strong, just the erosion of so many magic, even if you escape and how long?"

"H... Since you don't want to die by yourself, let me kill you this gangster!"

Ji took the wind and sky, and I don’t know when I had a long sword.

As soon as the long sword came out, those magical spirits immediately attracted the enthusiasm of Ji.

The horror of the monks for other monks.

For Ji Chengfeng, it is like a perfect nourishment, and his momentum is getting more and more skyrocketing.

In the same way, the expression on his face is getting more and more embarrassing.

The eyes that were still stunned, after being entangled in magical power, were blood red, and when they came over with a gloomy smile, they were completely like a monster, not a human being.

At this time, Ji Minglu did not have a nine-seal dragon sword in his hand. He had just exhausted his spirit in the squad, and was later attacked by Qinglong.

It can be said that this is the end of the strong.

In addition, he is now in his arms, he has to cope with the attack of Ji Chengfeng, but also to protect the safety of the embarrassment, it can be said that it is left and right, and it is unbearable.

Ji took the wind and laughed, and the long sword in his hand waved even more crazy, leaving a blood mark on Ji Ming.

"Ji Ming, you should not dying again! Even if you resist again, what is left? But the fate of death in my hands?"

"Ha ha ha, you are hard to protect yourself, but also want to protect the shackles in your arms? I did not expect that the cold-hearted boy of that year turned into a love affair today!"

As such, the attack of Ji Chengfeng was greeted by a sword.

If Ji Mingzhen is willing to let her suffer a little bit of injury, she can only withdraw her protection and turn to protect the girl in her arms.

The sound of "嗤啦", the long sword pierced the back of Ji Ming, from the chest through the body.

The magic of the silk was entangled in his wounds, and the excitement leaped as if he could absorb the seductive moment of his body.

"Master!! You are going to send Miss Yan!" Qinglong cried and cried, "So you will die!"

Ji Mingxi did not let go, even if the magic is ridden, the sword is wearing a chest, and she is not willing to let go of the girl in her arms.

Because he knows that as long as he releases the cockroach, Ji will take the wind away.

With the cultivation of Qinglong, it is simply impossible to protect you.

Even if he dies, he will never let the fallen into the hands of Ji.

"Kid, throw me to me!!" Outside the enchantment, suddenly a low male voice came.

Ji Mingyu turned to look at it, and the eye was a long-haired and handsome Tsing Yi man.

His dark, watery shackles finally shined a little light, "Jiu Ye!"

This time, he did not hesitate, tearing open the enchantment and throwing the cockroach out.

Ji Chengfeng’s face sank and shouted: “The nine-tailed Tianhu in the district also wants to take people from my hands and dream!”

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