Huang Fu Cheng Lang said: "Hey God doctor, as long as you can completely quit Han Shi Dan for my emperor's family, my emperor's family is willing to feed the Han God doctor's life is, if there is a word..."

Tunxi hands his chest and interrupted him mercilessly. "Only my life is from too much fake. It is better to change it with spar. I really have a lot of drugs in this stage." You want, you can! Then go to St. Devon to buy it, clearly price, virginity!"

Everyone in the Jishengtang eyes widened and looked at her, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

If you can buy your own life and freedom just by spar, then there is nothing wrong with it!

They are now only afraid that this doctor will repent, and then they will have no way to go to heaven, nowhere to enter the land!

Quxi said that he added a sentence at the end. "If the spar is not enough, you can use the spirit beast or the spirit grass to change it. You don't need to be rare, just enough weight."

Said, she took out a storage ring and threw it to Yu San, faintly said: "Everything will be handed over to you."

Yes, as a result, the rations of Zhenweijun have been solved at least half! She feels very satisfied.

Then, in the **** of Xuanwu and other iron unicorn guards, Tunxi quickly left the Jishengtang.

The rest of the people looked at the burning eyes and the storage ring in his hand.

The gaze is like a beast that is starving to death, staring at the last piece of fat.

Thirty-three is completely not afraid. He also throws the ring up and catches it, and then laughs back to Shengdetang.

He can't believe that these people dare to rob, or do you think that the name of his prince-hearted butler is white? Outside, there are iron unicorns patrolling everywhere.

Moreover, what he enjoys most is that all of them are rushing to get rid of the feeling that he wants to buy medicinal herbs!

It’s cool to follow the lady, and he’s all three of them are the most popular toon in Yanjing City!


After a full seven days of clean-up, the Feng family’s power in Yanjing City was finally wiped out.

In the meantime, Tie Qilin also dug out a number of secret homes that the Feng family jeopardized the Yanjing people in Yanjing City.

The cellar of the backyard of the Jinshengtang is one of them. It is home to dozens of virgin boys and girls who have the qualifications of Linggen. Changsheng originally planned to send these children out to Fengjia in the past few days as the raw material of Hanshidan. .

In this cellar, there are still many poor people who are used as sacred materials for the darkness. Their unrecognizable appearance appears in front of the iron unicorn soldiers. Rao is a battle of iron unicorns, calm and self-sufficient. Changed his face.

In the end, these corpses that were riddled with the darkness of the **** were sent out. Their relatives saw this scene and could not help but cry, and hated the Feng family.

Coupled with the harm and sequelae caused by Han Shi Dan to Yanjing City - although the medicine of Shengdetang can help people to quit cold food, but the process is very painful, and even after withdrawal, their repair will also Regression.

Because this kind of conspiracy was revealed, the miserable images of the victims appeared, and the people of Yanjingcheng all hated the Feng family, and praised the behavior of the King of the Kings and the Iron Kirin to clean up the Fengjia forces.

The Shengdetang Dongjia, which can provide cold-dampening and antidote, is the existence of the medical sanctuary of the people of Yanjingcheng.

For a time, the reputation of Pluto and St. Devon was in the peak of Yanjing City.

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