The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 893: No desire to eat

Tunxi was teased by the big and small ones, and he raised a shallow smile on his lips.

Ok! Nangong Yu said that the gods are so rare that they are in a hurry.

What's more, Xiaochi is no longer dangerous now, even if he finds the soul of jade later, it is just to let him recover his mind later.

He is now living like a child with carefree care, and he is calm and happy under his own protection. What is wrong with it?

However, what surprised Tunxi was.

She has given up and tried to find the soul of the soul, but there was news from the south palace.

"You said that there is a drop of the soul of the soul?" Tunxi slightly raised the voice.

There is no such thing as a respectful and dog-legged road: "Hey, Wang Hao, according to the news from Nothing, there is a trace of the soul of the soul in the underground store of Yong'an City in Tianzhuo."

Tunxi looked up and looked up at Nangong Temple. Nangong slammed his nod and smiled. "Xier, if you want to see it, we will leave for Tianyi in two days. Let's confirm first. Just a message."

Tunxi only felt a sweet and sour heart in his heart, I don’t know if it was moved or happy.

She reached out and took the hand of Nangong's hand and whispered: "Nan Gong, thank you!"

Nangong smashed her nose and smirked: "Stupid girl, haven't I said that? Don't say thank you, don't say thank you! Not so much thank you, is it better to return the king?"

Saying, holding the girl's soft waist, I will go on.

Tunxi was flushed with a red face, and he pushed him away, and he was ashamed and confused.

This man is really shameless and irrelevant, and I don’t see anyone standing here.

Nangong stunned his eyes and immediately sank his face: "You have already finished the report, what are you doing here?"

If it is at this time, it is Nangong's other confidants, and when the master is angry, it must be retired with sincerity and fear.

However, there is no difference between the two desires. To be exact, if there is no desire, as soon as it is touched and eaten, it will immediately become a lack of ignorance and fearlessness.

He licked his face and approached Xiaoxi. He said: "Wang Hao, I heard that you made a cheesecake a few days ago. It tastes sweeter than honey. I have been in the mainland for so many years. Haven't heard of it, can Wang Hao give me a taste?"

Nan Gong's black face is controlled, and he controls the kicking out of this shameless shame.

Tunxi was laughing and laughing, but he still gave him a piece of cheesecake.

I didn’t want to take the cheesecake and took a sip.

It’s so delicious, it’s too unique. It is so happy to be able to stay with Wang Hao.

On the top of the stream, I looked at the guy with this big nerve and looked at it. Suddenly, I said: "No desire, you have to break through?"

Yes, the unskilled cultivation has already reached the peak of the Golden Age, and now it is a sign of a breakthrough.

What makes Minxi strange is that Qinglong and Xuanwu are the peaks of Jindan period, and they all look very hard to work hard. How can Qinglong and Xuanwu not break through, no desire, this guy who only has to eat, actually breaks through Now!

I didn’t want to swallow the cake, I just sat down happily, and smiled at the brook. “Hey, you don’t understand how to break through so quickly. The subordinate is stealing the food left by Wang Hao from the master. Then, I always thought about the taste of the food, and the rich spiritual power inside."

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